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I am finally calm but I still have a little writers block so forgive the sudden falling action of the last chapter.

"Mom we're out of food!" Eric called from the kitchen.

You rolled out of bed and ghost walked downstairs. The mornings were kind of lonely for you since Sting has a guild to run.

Eric moved out of the way and you opened the fridge to find nothing but condiments and some expired yogurt.

"Alright! Everyone get dressed because we're going to the market!" You yourself were not willing to go but it was a necessity so therefore you must.


Wearing your favorite (f/c) sleeveless crop-top and a pair of black shorts along with matching boots, you led your kids to the market not very far from the house.

"What's this?" You heard Alithea ask someone from behind you.

"This little girl?" A man no younger than 40 pointed to the fist-sized ball on a pedestal. "It's a locator. It'll tell you where the person or thing is just by saying the name. Maybe you can convince your big sister to buy it." He nodded to you.

Blushing you laughed. "Sir I'm flattered but I'm actually her mother. Speaking of her older sister where is she? And Eric?" You looked around for them.

They were always getting lost or creating mischief somewhere, but now they were becoming lazy with their schemes and that worried you.

"Mama, they're over there with Uncle Gray and Aunt Juvia." Your youngest child pointed in their direction. You heaved a sigh of relief and crossed over to them.

"Hey guys what brings you here?" You asked noticing their three children there as well.

"Juvia wanted to do some shopping for her family. Juvia insisted they come along." The water mage smiled and held up her basket. You didn't realize she had switched back to her third person, but it usually meant she was happy.

"We're out of food at the house so we're going to stock up on food. Thea here wants to look at everything shiny in sight." You laughed and pulled her back to your side.


"Hey Aunt ___________..." Storm began. "Do you know her?" He pointed behind you.

A girl with dark brown hair and about average  height was staring at you. She had a gold anklet and a tattoo that you could see on her forearm.

Without responding to the question, you ushered both families out of the market, slipping into an alleyway when they weren't looking.

Of course she followed you and once she got far enough in you grabbed her just under her jaw and shoved her against the wall. "Why are you following me?"

"No reason in particular. Just seeing how your life was going."

"You were supposed to be dead. I felt, your pulse. The bleeding did not stop." You narrowed your eyes.

"Well I guess you should cleaned me up instead of leaving me as I was _____________. What kind of sister does that?" She tilts her head and you lift her higher in the wall.

"Don't you do that Dunya. Don't come here and try to mess with my family I've already got enough people trying to do that." You hiss.

"They're my family too. Is the shirtless guy their father? They don't look like him. In fact, they don't really look like you either, except the little girl."

"Their father isn't here with us right now, he's doing important work. Dunya, how did you get in touch with Morgan?" You let her go.

"You know how. I'm just trying to protect my baby sister." She makes a pouty face.

"You are 13 minutes older than me don't give me that bullshit."

"Why are you so angry? So what if I faked my death, it was all to protect you. You were the chosen one ___________. Not me. You were supposed to enter Fairy Tail and if the organization found out that we were twins, they would have killed us both and one of them would be here."

"That's a complete lie and you know it. You might have protected me, but from what? Father? I haven't seen him or mother in 17 years Dunya, they could be dead for all I care. Stop twisting the truth." You leave the alleyway without another word.

"Hey where have you been?" Storm saw you first.

"Nowhere. C'mon you munchkins let's go, I want to get home before things get worse." You grabbed your kids and waved goodbye to the Fullbusters.

"But mom we still need food."

"We'll get it."

A/N: that's all I got rn.

Morgan: okay

Next Generation (Sequel to Falling To Heaven)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن