Morgan (OVA)

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"__________." Someone said your name but with an echo. You opened your eyes slightly not happy that you were awoken. "Come to the guild." She echo voice said and went away. You sat up, obeying strange orders and putting on clothes.

You woke up your three kids and made them get dressed and go down to the guild with you. You had realized it was 3 in the morning and everyone was there. "What's going on? Who called us here?" The sleepy Alithea rubbed her eyes in your arms.

"I did." That echoey voice spoke and a figure appeared in the center of the guild. You all gapped at the ghostly figure standing there.

"Mommy, who is that?" The little Rosemary asked her mother and the adults just stared. You couldn't believe your eyes.



"Hello ___________-san. You've gotten so much older!" She giggles. She still has the same shape and figure she did when she died. "I called you all here to let you know that you are all in grave danger."

"What? What's going on? Why are you here?" Juvia was crying and so was Wendy.

"I asked Wendy to help me into the material plain, but I must warn you, ___________-san specifically." Morgan answered and started playing with her hair.

"Because everything is always about me. Why can't everything revolve around Natsu?!" You pointed to the snoring dragon slayer and kicked him to wake him up.

"Huh what? Oh hey Morgan... Morgan?!" Natsu sat up.

Ignoring him, Morgan continued. "Korozomo still expects you to produce his heir, he's coming for you and bringing his army. Just Fairy Tail won't be enough."

Your face scrunched up. "Morgan you are eternally ten years old who taught you this stuff?" You placed your hands on your hips.

"Mavis. And Dunya." She smiled and you froze. You couldn't believe it. "Although Dunya-kun is de-"

"Well! I think you you've said everything you needed to say, Morgan." You cut her off. "Why don't we the ought you a fair-well party since we never got to say goodbye?"

"Yeah, it's been a while Morg." Gray scratched the back of his head.

"17 years." Levy rolled her eyes and smiled again. "You can meet our kids!" She patted Gale on the head.

Morgan's eye lit up. "Really? Thank you guys! Though you'd all still be asleep if I didn't go playing on the roof..." She hangs her head.

"Hey, don't be upset, it's our fault for not making sure you were safe, but enough with the gloom, let's get this party started!" Lisanna pumped her fist in the air and you all cheered.


Although you were having a great time names couldn't stop picking at your brain. 'Dunya? Korozomo... What the hell is going on?' You sigh and fall asleep again.

A/N: cool got a lot of plot holes to fill. Niceeeeeeeeeee

Morgan: told you you'd see me this chapter!

Natsu: who's this Dunya person

A/N: I'm not telling, but I will say that she is 100% not working with Korozomo. I'm not joking guys

Lucy: geez alright


Lisanna: ME TOO

A/N: I'm sorry I've got a lot more characters to keep track of now. I still have to introduce Rufus and Raoul, and Dunya and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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