"June," Reed had tears in his eyes, placing a hand on the side his sister's face, supporting her upper body as it remained suspended. "June, oh god, no." His voice cracked, looking down at the spear that was halfway through his little sister's back. Sue moved behind June's head, the tears within her eyes not able to be held and when the spear disappeared – she caught the younger girl before her head smacked into the ground.

June let out a cough as her head fell into Sue's lap, a deep pressure starting to build within her heart – she could already feel the coldness starting to crawl under her skin.

Johnny's head was shaking, denial creeping into his heart with the thought that she might actually live through this – but his logical side knew better, she didn't have much time left with a hit like that. "No, no, no." He kept mumbling incoherently, not wanting to believe his eyes – praying that this was just some terrible nightmare. Like everything that's happened since this Surfer's arrival has been a horrible, terrible trick his mind was playing with him.

Through the pain, June was able to get her mind, at least, a little bit straight – she panted through her words, forcing them out of her mouth, "Y-You have to find a way to get the..." A cough left her lips, "...g-get the board." No blood expelled out of the wound in her chest, there was only a deep scar on her skin but no matter that, the internal damage was all too real. The energy from the spear was the main thing killing her, slowly draining her until there was nothing left in her heart to spare.

Reed didn't give a damn about the Board anymore, his little sister was dying right in front of him – the sister he swore to protect with his own life if it came to it. "June-" He started to say, but she shook her head as Sue gently ran her fingers through the chocolate locks in a calming manner. But inside, Sue was shaking hard with fear that June could very well be leaving them for good at any moment. She wasn't strong enough to stop the tears from leaking down her cheeks. "The b-board." June repeated with force, breathing in deeply through another wave of pain.

Suddenly, a dark and deep rumble filled the air from above and the once clear sky began crowding up with dirty clouds ... but they weren't storm clouds. You could clearly see the difference between black rain clouds and this thing ... the Destroyer was here, something of which the Surfer clearly stated upon looking up. "He is here." Everyone followed his gaze towards the sky and were fearfully gobsmacked of the sight before them – the end of the world was upon them.

The wind started picking up – letting everyone know trouble was coming and fast.

Ben was probably the only one who had the most level head right now – someone needed to when the world still needed saving, but his heart broke every time he glanced towards his 'Squirt'. June was staring up towards the sky, her eyes blinking ten to the dozen while her body gave small jerks every time she gasped in for air.

"Reed." Ben prodded his best friend gently, seeing the turmoil wretch in man's features. They needed to figure out a way to sever Victor from the Board, they didn't have the five devices this time and even if they did, Victor knew about them so it's an already useless plan. "Reed." He pushed again and Reed shakily looked up with unfocused eyes.

"U-Uh," Reed tried to get his mind back into gear for a second, "Victor must ... he must have a pulse emitter, it's the only way the board would have even connected to him." He looked down to his little sister again, holding her hand tightly to not only comfort her but also himself. "If that link can be severed, he'll be separated from his power source." He looked back up, glancing between Johnny and Ben.

Johnny couldn't stop looking away from June, his eyes following the tear that trickled down the side of her face and into her hair. He wanted to brush the tear away, tell her everything was going be okay and that she'd be okay. He wanted to hold her so badly, to hold her in his arms tightly and never let go again – as much as he tried to hold a strong façade for her, it was starting to break even then.

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