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{ Your Name }

When I brought Yang back to her dorm, she refused to let go of me. She was scared and I don't blame her. She experienced a traumatic event. "What on Remnant happened?! She looks like a mess," Weiss demanded.

"Can you please try not to be so loud Weiss? My head is already killing me enough," Yang groaned.

"You went out to a bar last night didn't you," Blake questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest. Yang shamefully nodded. "Yang, you don't need to do that anymore. You can talk to us you know. You have [Name] to help you through rough patches." The girl looked hurt as she gazed upon the blonde.

"Keep the sweatshirt Yang. You're going to need it," I whispered. She nodded and hugged me one last time before I left. Fear still flickered in her lilac eyes. It broke my heart to see her like this. I wish I could've done something to have prevent all of this from happening.

{ Yang }

I hugged myself once I sat in one of the desk chairs. The others gave me wary looks. I touched one of my injuries under the sweatshirt on accident and I tried not to wince, failing epically. "Yang, what is it," Ruby asked me with concern.

"It's nothing," I said blandly and looked in a different direction so I could avoid their gazes. Blake walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. My breath hitched as I had a flashback to what happened last night. I started crying because of it.

"Yang, why are you crying," my partner asked me in her soft, gentle voice. I just shook my head and hugged myself tighter despite the pain. "What's wrong Yang? Let us help you. Please?"

"I'm scared alright! Please don't touch me okay," I shouted through my tears. They didn't understand. How could they? They didn't go through what I did. "I don't want to go through it all over again!" Blake slowly unfolded my arms and then the sweatshirt was being taken off carefully.

"Oh my god, Yang! What happened to you last night," Weiss exclaimed. It looked like she was about to cry from seeing the bandages and bruises on my violated body.

"I was taken advantage of..." I lowered my head in shame. I let this happen to me just because I got drunk. If I didn't go to that stupid bar last night, then none of this would've happened. "And it was my fault for letting it happen."

"Yang, you're not at fault, understand? Whoever did this to you is. You're the victim not the pursuer, the villain," Ruby said. That didn't make me feel any better. Made me feel worse honestly.

"And I'm the one who got bloody drunk and had this guy all over me!" They just went silent. They might as well just give up on me. I'm broken, a record that skips, the crack in the mirror. I was ready to go running back to [Name]. Blake knelt in front of me as she tried to get me to look at her. "I'm the one at fault because I let myself become so vulnerable!"

"Yang, stop talking like this. You're not at fault. Got it," Blake slightly snapped. I nodded and broke down. My partner held me in her arms and let me cry. "You're not alone in this. You have us to help you heal along the way."

Time That Burns (Male X Yang)Where stories live. Discover now