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{ Your Name }

Yang was absolutely amazing. I don't know how a guy like me got a chance with her. When the early hours of the morning came around, I woke up, only to find Yang starting to stir and wake up herself. I looked at my skin and it was a dark tan again. Oh no, I can't have her see me like this. Just as I was getting out of bed to grab my medication, she woke up. Dust! Her eyes met mine, the look of confusion and shock filling hers completely. "Yang, please don't freak out about this."

"How am I supposed to react then? You've completely changed!" I sighed as I rubbed the back of my neck. "[Name], what is going on?"

"I have this condition, a disorder as they called it. I've had this since I was little. That's why I never had friends as I grew up Yang. No one was supposed to know about this. Only my family, Ozpin, the Schne-"

"The Schnee Dust Company knows about this," she questioned. I nodded as I sat on the edge of my bed. "Why?"

"Because I was exposed to an unknown form of dust. My dad works for the company at the facility in Vale. That's how I got exposed. It altered my genetics and causes...this," I said, gesturing to my body. "It's different based on the weather or season. Since it's fall, this is what I appear as when I don't have my medication. It contains the dust that did this to me and don't ask me how it doesn't make things worse for me. I don't know myself. I went through a series of tests so they could understand what happened and try to prevent it from happening again. This is my secret and now you know it." She could tell how much this was affecting me. Yang got out from under the covers and sat next to me. "I'm different from everyone else. I'm a...freak."

Her hand came up to my face and turned my head so I could look at her. Something about her changed. The look in her eyes was unreadable. I was taken by surprise when she kissed me softly and yet lovingly. Now I was confused. "At least I know now. I'm sorry I freaked out. I'm just not used to this sort of thing. This doesn't change how I feel about you. Deep down you're still the same guy I fell for. I hope I get to see more of you," Yang spoke softly without breaking our gaze. "To be honest, the copper hair makes you look very alluring." We both ended up blushing.

"You... You don't mind it?" The girl shook her head as a soft smile pulled at her lips. I kissed her, holding her face gently. That kiss led to making out. It was to the point where we were laying on my bed, panting a bit. "So, how about...breakfast?" She laughed at me.

"What do you suggest? I'm fine with anything," she replied.

"Then I guess I'll go make us some breakfast and surprise you," I said with a soft smile. Then we just cuddled for a bit after she got off of me. Well, Yang falling asleep would be more like it. Without waking her, I got up and made my way towards the little kitchen. I decided to make pancakes for us. While doing so, I finally took my medication so I could appear "normal" for when we go back to her dorm later today. Once I had finished making breakfast for us, Yang was still asleep. I sighed with content as I looked upon the sleeping beauty, admiring how peaceful and gentle she is in this state. As disappointing as it was, I had to wake her up.

I walked over to my bed and sat on the edge. I bestowed her a soft kiss on her cheek, causing her to stir slightly and faintly moan in delight. A smile graced her lips as she took a deep breath, opening her eyes again. "Come on sleeping beauty, time to get up. I have breakfast ready," I said softly. She looked at me with a slight smile now.

"You look different already," she said softly. I nodded and then stroked her cheek with my thumb lightly. "You still look better with the copper hair." I chuckled.

"That's only one of the many Yang. I'm willing to let you see it all if I can't with anyone else," I said. That made her smile more, the smile that I adored greatly. I handed her her breakfast once she sat up.

We ate breakfast, laughing and talking away. When it was about noon, we decided to head to her dorm to hang out with her team. Ruby was sure energetic. She ran over to her sister and hugged her. Yang even fell backwards somewhat, meeting my body. Weiss and Blake gave Ruby a look to basically tell her to knock it off. The girl released her grip around Yang and chuckled nervously. "Well don't you look happy," Weiss said with a smirk as she referred to Yang. The blonde blushed from being put on the spot. I chuckled as I found it to be adorable. The five of us just hung in the dorm for who knows how long. "So [Name], do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, a younger sister," I replied. "What about you Weiss?"

"An older sister. She serves in the Atlesian military." Wow, that's pretty cool in my opinion.

"Uh [Name], your hair is turning another color," Ruby pointed out. It's what?! Yang saw the fear in my eyes. Eventually my skin and eyes changes as well. Ruby, Blake, and Weiss were at a loss. Why is my medication not working? "Does this happen a lot?" I didn't particularly want to answer her question. Yang gave her sister a look and that made Ruby drop it.

"Is your medication not working anymore," my girlfriend asked me softly and solemnly. I nodded shyly and sighed.

"Your medication? What's going on," Weiss asked, well more like demanded.

"I'm the boy who got in the dust accident many years ago," I muttered shamefully. Weiss knew exactly what I was talking about. "It was kept secret and now my medication is starting to not work. So my disorder is now revealed." Yang wrapped her arms around me and leaned her head on my shoulder as she wore this solemn expression. "I guess I should just give up hiding this."

"But what about your dad? Doesn't he want to keep this a secret," Yang asked.

"I'm not listening to what he has to say anymore. He's ruled my life since the accident. He's the reason why I never had friends. This is the first time that I'm actually free from him and that house," I said. Yang kissed me on the cheek and that made me feel better. "You guys are my first friends ever. I was locked up in my house basically because of my disorder. I don't want my dad ruling my life while I'm here at Beacon."

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