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{ Your Name }

Yang wouldn't stop looking at me. It was like she was silently trying to figure me out. That got me a little scared honestly. As I was sitting at my desk doing my work, my medication was starting to wear off. "Dust! Why now," I growled in question. My skin became a dark tan with the copper hair and then light brown eyes this time. For the fall, my eyes either get orange or light brown. I just prayed that no one knocked on my door. Just my luck, someone did. I began to panic. "Who is it?"

"It's Professor Ozpin. Is it alright if I come in," he asked. I sighed with relief and opened the door, making sure that no one saw me. "Ah, I see that the medication has started to wear off."

"Yeah, it usually lasts longer though. Maybe it's because I'm nervous. That has happened before in the past," I admitted.

"I see. I came by actually to see how you were doing."

I closed the door and faced him. "Okay. I made some friends already. So that's nice," I said.

"I take it that you've noticed that you share your classes with Miss Xiao Long then." I nodded and wondered if he did that on purpose. "You're probably wondering why you share them with her."

"That came to mind," I said.

"She's a good student, for the most part, but is always understanding and caring. I thought that if you two met, then it might make a difference for you as you adjust to life at Beacon," the man said. I actually smiled a bit. She was nice and had a bubbly personality from what I've witnessed so far. "Well, I'll let you get back to your assignments. Good night Mr. [Last Name]."

"Good night Professor," I replied. Once he left, I resumed working on my assignments as I began to think of a certain blonde. I had to shake my head to focus my attention on my work and not her. That didn't work though. My thoughts went back to her as I continued working on my assignments, which quite frankly was starting to annoy me since I had to get my work done. Just as I finished my last assignment for the day, I sighed with relief. I began to take off my uniform so I could get changed into some comfortable clothes and flopped back onto one of the beds. To pass the time and fill the silence, I put on some music and listened to it with my eyes closed. As I was just starting to wind down, my scroll went off as I got a message. Who on Remnant could be messaging me? My eyes went slightly wide in surprise as I saw it was Yang messaging me.

'Hey [Name]'


'Doing anything fun?'

'If you count to listening to music and relaxing.'

'You find that fun?'

'Yeah. We can say that fun isn't really part of my vocabulary.'

'Oh? Didn't you have friends and play with other kids as you were growing up?'

'Only my sister and she's three years younger than me. My parents wouldn't let me go out much.'

'That must've sucked.'

'Yeah it did at first but I got used to it.'

'So how was your first day?'

"Okay for the most part I guess. I didn't think I would get that many text books though.'

'Yeah, welcome to Beacon for ya. What was nice about it?'

'I would have to go with making some friends.'

'That's good. Did you figure out why we're in all of the same classes yet?'

'Yeah. It was Ozpin's doing.'

'That's a bit strange if you don't mind me saying.'

'Not at all. I was a little surprised by it too. He thought that I would feel comfortable being around someone like you. Being kind and all when it comes to new people.'

'You haven't seen the other side of me yet [Name].'

'Should I be afraid then?'

'Only if you choose to be ;)'

'Well then I won't be afraid.'

'Yet you hardly know me.'

'So? Does it take one to see the good in someone when they still hold an opposite side to their personality?'

'I guess not. You should come over sometime when you've settled in. We all could get to know each other a bit more that way.'

'Sure :)'

'Great! Well, I better get back to my assignments. See you tomorrow [Name].'

'See ya.'

I could finally breathe. Why did I feel anxious when I was talking to her? It was just a messaging conversation, not face to face. Maybe it was because of her asking me over to her dorm sometime in the future. What if my medication wears off again like it did today? So many scenarios filled my head that all ended badly. This was going to be difficult. Maybe I should just try to get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings.

Time That Burns (Male X Yang)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя