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{ Yang }

The rest of the week passed by rather quickly surprisingly. The news of [Name] and I dating spread rapidly among the students. Due to that, kids stopped bothering [Name] in or out of class. They all knew not to get me pissed off. It was Friday already and I was starting to fall asleep in class. [Name] had to make sure I stayed awake since we have a test coming up and what was being discussed today was going to be on that test. I jumped slightly as the bell rang. He chuckled at me, finding my reaction cute I'm guessing. "Say, why don't you come to my place tonight? We can hang out, watch a movie maybe, and have dinner. What do you think," he asked. I liked the suggestion very much.

"That sounds perfect. Do I need to bring anything with me," I asked. He thought for a moment.

"Well since I was going to ask you later tonight, I might as well do it now. I want you to stay with me tonight Yang," he said. "You can sleep in one of the other beds if you want if you choose to stay." I nodded eagerly in response. That caused the boy to laugh. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers as we began to walk back to the dormitory. Once we reached his dorm, he kissed my forehead lightly. "Just knock on the door when you get here."

"Okay," I said as I smiled gingerly at him. He walked into his dorm as I walked to mine. As soon as I got in the door, I grabbed a small bag and threw some clothes into it.

"Uh, are you going somewhere," Ruby asked.

"Yeah. I'm staying the night with [Name]," I replied.

"Ooo, like a date?" My sister can get excited over something so little.

"Yes Ruby and it is a date. We going to watch a movie and have dinner at his place. We'll be back here tomorrow as planned," I said.

"Have fun," Ruby said as I was walking out the door. I turned around for a moment and smiled at her. Blake and Weiss didn't question it. They were just glad to she me smiling more. I knocked on his door as he told me to. It wasn't very long after when the door opened. We just smiled at each other and I walked in, being given a kiss.

"I just put the pizza in the oven. I hope you're okay with that," he said.

"It's fine. As long as it's food, I'll eat it," I said. He laughed at that and I joined him. He took my bag and placed it on one of the beds before taking my hand, leading me to this spot that had pillows and blankets on the floor. Now I found that to be a bit cute. "Based on the little arrangement, I hope we're cuddling as we watch the movie."

"Oh we will be. Don't worry about that Yang." He grabbed some soda from the fridge as I picked out a movie for us to watch. When he came back, he put the movie in and started it. I got myself comfortable and [Name] shortly joined me. He had everything planned out and it was great. I loved it. He wasn't one of those guys who spends a lot of money to get you a fancy outfit when you go to a high up style restaurant, go overboard with anything, or nothing extremely romantic. I liked that about him. He was one of the casual boys who can make a girl happy from the simplest things you could think of. About twenty minutes into the movie, the pizza finished cooking and he went to go get it out of the oven and bringing in a slice for each of us. "Here you go Yang." He handed me one of the plates he had in his hand.

"Thanks," I said as I took it. I knew that it was still hot since it just came out of the oven. After waiting a few minutes, I started eating and he did the same. I was perfectly content with just the one slice. He cut the pizza into decent sized slices. As the movie finished, [Name] took our plates out to the kitchen as I draped a blanket over me. When he joined me again, he deftly kissed the side of my head, making me blush slightly. "So, what are we going to do now?"

"We could either watch another movie or kiss," he suggested. I thought for a moment.

"Movie sounds good to me," I said. [Name] expressed another one of his affectionate smiles, kissing the side of my head before naming off some movie titles. I told him which one and he started to play it. We cuddled again when he returned to my side. Although, I ended up falling asleep on him, drifting off into a dream.

~ Dream ~

"So what are we going to do now?"

"We could either watch another movie or kiss," he suggested. I took the second choice. However, he broke the kiss to say something else. "Is there anything you want to do besides this?" He was asking me what I wanted to do? No one has really done that with me in my past relationships. I met his gaze as I took his hand in mine. [Name] got the hint. His hand rested on my side, his thumb lightly circling on top of my shirt. I connected our lips again, kissing him slowly. I felt him bring his hand up my chest and resting it there. My body heated up instantly. He took the lead and I didn't stop him. My lips parted as his tongue was begging to enter. I moaned softly as he started to massage my breasts. That added fuel to his fire, taking it up a notch. My shirt was slowly being unbuttoned, revealing my chest. [Name] pushed my shirt off of my shoulders and began undoing my bra. He took both pieces of my clothing off of my body, letting my breasts fall into his hands. I moaned a bit louder when he toyed with my nipples, brushing over the hard nubs and pinching them. "Yang, will you let me claim you, be dominant, and give you the night of your life?"

"Yes... Oooh [Name]," I moaned as he took one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking softly. He squeezed the same breast he was sucking on, causing me to gasp. He pulled me closer to him as he kept sucking and squeezing. "[Name] please..." He pulled away and brought his hands under my skirt, taking my underwear off. He took his pants and boxers off before he snuck his fingers into my entrance, stroking my inner walls. I gasped and then moaned in luxury. Slowly he laid me down on the floor with a pillow behind my head, still pleasuring me. I bit my lip as he hit a sensitive spot, trying not to moan out loudly. He did it again and I released a soft moan on response.

"Are you ready for me now Yang," he softly spoke in a very seductive voice. I nodded as I was in a complete daze. Just as I was about to moan out, loudly most likely, from the feeling of him sliding into me, [Name] kissed me to silence my rising moan. We just stayed like this for a moment or two, letting me get used to him. With slight arch to my hips, [Name] began to move, hitting every sensitive spot. This felt absolutely amazing. My fingers tangled in his [color] locks as I kissed him deeper, holding back my louder moans. My body shook in ecstasy beneath him. [Name] began thrusting faster, making me almost release a loud moan into the air. He moaned softly himself and it was music to my ears. "Y-Yang, I'm about to cum."

"Then do it. I- Oh my Grimm!" I immediately closed my mouth to contain my extremely loud moan. [Name] shot his load deep within me. He left me panting like crazy as he also panted but not as bad as me. He graced me with another kiss. When he pulled away, we just stared into each other's eyes. "That was...amazing."

"It...was," he said. I just smiled and then melted into his kiss.

"You're...amazing...[Name]," I panted.

"And you're beautiful," [Name] said in reply.

~ End Dream ~

"Let's get you to bed princess," [Name] said softly. I opened my eyes, sleep still apparent, and nodded as he helped me up. I grabbed my bag that had my clothes and then got changed into my pajamas. [Name] did the same thing. Once we were both clothed again, he picked me up and placed me under the covers of one of the beds. He kissed my forehead sweetly. "Goodnight Yang." Then sleep took over me once again.

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