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{ Your Name }

Dad kept calling me throughout the week and I just rejected his calls. I don't need to get lectured at again. Just from happened Saturday, Yang has been rather quiet and docile. Was she still bothered by what my dad said over the phone? Yang tried to hide the fact that she was down and hurt still by wearing her smiling almost all the time. One day, Blake pulled me aside without the others realizing it. "Are you noticing how much she's changed since that phone call Saturday," the girl asked me in a low voice.

"Yeah. Has she said anything to you or the others? She hasn't said a word to me," I said softly.

"No she hasn't. She's been really quiet at the dorm once you guys part ways." That isn't like the blonde at all. "Usually she's not bothered by things but this time it seems like it's gotten under her skin."

"I'll see if I can get her to open up later today. Hopefully she'll say something." Blake nodded her head in agreement. As we resumed walking, I heard someone clear their throat behind us. I looked over my shoulder to see who it was. Oh no. "What are you doing here," I asked with an unwelcoming attitude.

"Now is that how you treat your father," dad asked. He noticed my appearance. "Why haven't you been taking your medication?"

"Because it stopped working," I answered.

"I don't care if it stopped working! You're supposed to be taking it no matter what [Name]! I'll bring you home this instant if you don't obey me," he snarled.

"He's not going anywhere," someone spoke up as they approached. Blake and I turned our gazes to see Yang walking towards us. Oh boy, this might get ugly. My dad growled between his teeth when Yang joined us.

"This doesn't concern you, you lowlife girl," dad remarked. The blonde just froze, her eyes wide. Her face said it all. It was like she was just stabbed through the heart. Blake glared at my dad for saying that. I walked over to her and held her in my embrace. It was like she turned into a broken machine. Two weeks we've been together and now she's just starting to shut down.

"Take that back," Blake hissed. My dad laughed at the girl. He thought this was funny? He just hurt my girlfriend and pushed her further into her depression.

"Dad, I swear, if you say one more thing to hurt Yang, you're going to regret it," I barked.

"Don't you talk back to me boy." Yang pushed me off of her and just glared at my dad. Why do I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well? "Ha, you think you're tough? Think again." Yang has had it. Her eyes turned red and then her hair was set on fire. Holy dust! I didn't think that this would get to be like this. I didn't know that she could go further than how she was on Saturday.

"You're not taking [Name] anywhere. He wants to stay here. Let him have that moment in his life where he can make his own decisions," Yang spoke sternly. Dad does not like being challenged. I felt a heat wave. It took me a moment to realize it was coming from Yang. "If you take him back home with you, then I'm just going to have a miserable four years here while training to become a huntress."

"So you're the so called girlfriend he mentioned over the phone. I'd say he's got a little bit of a taste in women," dad said, his eyes studying every feature of her body. Now this is starting to piss me off. "But he could've done better."

"Shut up! Just shut up and stop checking out my girlfriend! That's just gross," I shouted. Everyone went silent and just stared at me. I was beyond done. Yang just calmed down when she saw that I was standing up to him. "Yang is perfect! Beyond perfect actually! She's been the best thing that's happened to me since Jade was born for dust's sake!" Yang was just speechless. I've never said anything like this around her.

"R-Really," Yang stuttered. I looked at her and smiled with affection. That familiar blush colored her cheeks. Her mood completely changed within a blink of an eye. I guess what I said made a difference. Next thing I know is that Yang is clinging to me in a hug. It was nice to see her happy again, renewing that sparkle in her lilac eyes. "You're amazing."

"So are you," I whispered into her ear. Dad was getting really agitated. "And you're not making me leave her."

"Fine but take your medication [Name]," dad spoke menacingly. I glared at him, so did Blake and Yang. Dad walked off still in a fuming rage but never said another word.

"Better now," I asked Yang softly. She nodded and hugged me again. I smiled softly, glad to have my Yang back.

Time That Burns (Male X Yang)Where stories live. Discover now