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{ Yang }

I felt horrible. This is really affecting [Name] but it also seems like he's relieved to finally let his long kept secret out. "You still look better with the copper hair," I said with a faint smile. He laughed.

"I have to agree with Yang. You do look better with the copper hair," Blake said. The boy smiled at the raven haired girl. We all jumped from hearing [Name]'s scroll going off. When he looked at the screen to see who it was, he groaned.

"I have to answer this. Do you guys mind," he asked. We shook our heads. "Hi dad." He was trying to sound happy that the man was calling him when he clearly wasn't.

"How's things so far at Beacon? Your mother and I haven't heard anything from you." I thought my dad was bad sometimes.

"Fine. You do realize it's only been a week since I left home? It's not the end of the world if you don't hear from me as much as you want to," the boy responded, already getting annoyed from the conversation.

"You made a promise that you would check in with us every day once you made it to Beacon." Jeez, I could see why he was relieved to get out of his house.

"Um, that's not how I remember it. You said to check in once in awhile, not every day. Dad I'm seventeen, not five. I can take care of myself."

"No you can't! You have a condition that needs to be monitored! If you don't start checking in every day starting tomorrow, I will come to the school and bring you home!" Oh my Grimm! This guy is a major control freak!

"Oh so you'd take me away from my friends and girlfriend?! I see how it is." [Name] was getting infuriated by his dad and this conversation more by the minute.

"Girlfriend?! Ha, she's probably playing you boy. You don't know what love is or what it's like to be with someone. No one can understand what you've gone through and what you must live with. So if I were you, I'd call off this so called relationship you have." My eyes turned red as my anger burned like a fire. His dad doesn't even know me! How can he honestly think that I'm playing [Name]? I wasn't the only one that was getting worked up besides [Name]. The rest of my team was as well. They were enraged for having hearing the man say that. I had to let go of [Name] so I don't accidentally hurt him as my anger increases and my body temperature rises.

"You don't even know who or what she's like dad. Yeah I never experienced any of that because you kept me locked up in that house. This is the first time I can do something for myself. I don't need you messing things up for me again." Now that's something I didn't expect to hear from the boy. "Now if you don't have anything kind to say to me, this conversation is over."

"Don't you dare hang up on me boy!" That's was he exactly did. He placed his scroll on the floor and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. It was then when he noticed the difference with me.

"I'm guessing this is what you meant before by your other side," he said. I nodded as I calmed down. I didn't really want him to see me like that. "I'm sorry you guys had to hear all of that."

"We understand. It's never easy when a parent let's his or her child leave the house to go out into the world on their own," the heiress said. She knew what it was like. I was still angry but more hurt than anything. Everyone saw the look on my face. "Yang, don't take it personally from what the man said."

I was just dead silent. My knees were hugged to my chest. [Name] wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "And what happened to that cute little smile of yours," the boy teased. I blushed instantly and the others laughed at me. Why me?

Time That Burns (Male X Yang)Where stories live. Discover now