Chapter 4

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The doctor cleared his throat feeling 5 pair of eyes staring at him intently. "Well there were some complications the accident caused a head trauma along with a few broken ribs, but what is a major problem is that it also caused some blood vessels to break and she is going to need a blood transfusion, we gave her some but our stocks are low..." he explained her situation while everyone tried to understand what was going on with her, whether or not she was okay. "Is she going to be okay? The words quickly slipped from Tom's lips a frown creasing upon Tom's face he could feel his chest tighten to the point where there was no oxygen inside of his lungs.

"We did our best but I would urge you to find a blood donor as soon as possible she lost a lot of blood and although we already transfused some it's not enough," the doctor paused for a second searching for the right words to say.

"Her state is critical right now and she will be transferred into intensive care right now," he continued and Tom felt as though every ounce of blood has left his body, his brain kept repeating 'critical, critical, critical all because of you.'

"She is okay for now we'll be monitoring her." The doctor finished the sentence tugging lips upwards in a small smile. A wave of relief seemed to wash through everyone, as they seemed to relax that Avery was alright.

Tom felt the oxygen finally getting to his lungs he inhaled deeply before exhaling in relief. A grateful smile placed itself upon his lips "Thank you so much for saving her."

"No problem, it's my job, if any of you have the same type of blood as her which is type AB contact the front desk nurse she will take you to donate." The doctor added before leaving. Tom's eyes trailed off to the cart being pulled out of the emergency room, he stared at Avery's body, her eyes were closed, an oxygen tube down her throat.

"Who has type blood AB-? Mine is type O. " Andi broke the silence wrenching Tom away from his thoughts. All five of them looked over each other shaking their heads.

"Bugger..." Mumbled Tom under his breath realizing he forgot to call Saloni, Avery's sister. "I'll call Saloni." He sighed pulling his phone from his pocket.

"What you didn't tell her earlier? It's her sister mate." Rupert's eyes widened and Tom shook his head no as he held his phone next to his ear.

"She will murder you!" Said Rupert earning a jab in the ribs from his fiancee

 "Although she probably will, don't tell him that!" She whispered to him, Rupert instantly shut his mouth.

Tom's heart pounded loudly in his chest every time the phone beeped and Saloni didn't pick up. He rang again and again he almost lost all hope when he heard her voice "Bloody hell Tom why you calling at 5 in the morning?" She sounded both irritated and sleepy.

"Look Saloni it's important," he paused searching for the right words to say this, well aware she was going to kill him for this "Avery had an accident, she was hit by a car she needs blood transfusion please come to the hospital." He finished literally pleading her.

"W-what?" She stuttered, he heard her voice breaking on the phone as she started sobbing.

"Saloni please I'll explain everything later just come to Saint Bartholomew," Tom's voice was low barely audible but she heard him.

"I'll be right there." She managed to say between sobs and ended the call. He pushed the phone back in his pocket.

"Do you think they'll let us see her?" Dakota pushed her raven colored hair out of her face while Daniel wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Why don't we just as-" Daniel couldn't even finish his sentence because Tom was already in front of the front desk talking to the nurse. They followed standing behind him as he spoke with her.

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