Pregnant (Guys) pt.1

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I decided to make this a series.
Pt. 1 of the kids series.

Damon: You woke up with a smile on your face and Damon's arms wrapped around your naked body. You smiled even wider as the memories of last night came flooding back to you. You and your boyfriend were cuddling on the couch when things got heated. Before you knew it, you were naked with Damon on top of you.
"Baby you awake?" I heard Damon's hot ass morning voice break the silence.
"Mhm" "I'm gonna meet up with Stef. Is that okay?."
"Yes of course it is." "Okay. I love you." He said then kissed my forehead. "I love you too."
As he's getting ready I'm feeling sick to my stomach. So I jump up and run to the bathroom. I start throwing up.
"Woah Baby are you okay? I don't have to meet up with Stef. I can stay home." "No its okay, you go I'll call over the girls." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Your positive." "Yes, now go before your late." "Alright I love you." He said and kissed the top of my head.
After about 5 minutes of puking I decided to text the girls.
To: Supernatural Sisters (A/N: its a group chat)
Me: Hey can you guys come over? I'm feeling sick.
Elena: Yeah what's wrong?
Bonnie: Yeah y/n what's going on?
Caroline: What's wrong?
Me: I've been puking for the past 15 minutes.
Bonnie: we'll be right over.
Me: Thanks guys.
"Knock knock. Y/n you in here?" "Yea-*puke noise* "Oh my god! Hun are you okay?!" "Yeah Care I'm just peachy"
"I'll call Rebekah." "Okay Bon you do that I'm gonna get y/n some Tums or something." "Okay and I'll get the blankets and pillows so we can lie down."
*time skip*
"So I think I figured it out." Rebekah said after going through multiple books with Bonnie. "Y/n did you and Damon get 'ya know hot and heavy last night?" "Yeah?" "Y/n I think you might be pregnant."
Stefan: *before he's a vampire*
After dating for 2 months me and Stefan finally did the deed. The only problem I think I might be pregnant. There's no specific way to test it. But by about a month I'll be able to tell.
* time skip two weeks*
I'm 98% sure I'm pregnant. I'm having the morning sickness the cravings. The moodiness. Worst of all I think Stefan knows. He's been significantly more gentle. We're going on a date tonight and I'm worried.
Okay, time for the date. I'm sitting across from him and he seems to be contemplating something. "Y/n? Can I ask you something?" "Mhm" "I need to know if-. (A/n: leaving it there until next time.)
Matt: It was your 5th year anniversary. You went out for a sweet romantic dinner then he made sweet love to you. But that love might have created a little byproduct. Yup. Well now that Matt's at work you decided to call Care-Bear. "Okay, I'm here what's up." "Care I think I'm pregnant." "What?!" "Yeah..." "Okay I'll go buy a test and we'll find out for sure." "Okay."
"I'm back!" "Alright let's do this." "Okay I'll be waiting"
"Okay Care its time to see the result." "This is so exciting!" "Haha okay Caroline."
I look at the stick all I see are the double lines meaning positive. Oh shit!
"Oh what dose that mean?" "That means positive. Care I'm pregnant! Oh my god! What's Matt going to say?!"
Jeremy: Matt wasnt home. So I invited over Jeremy. We were watching Jacksepticeye when me and Jere started getting all touchy - feely. That lead to making out. That lead to something more ;). Matt came home so Jeremy had to sneek out through the window.
But this morning you woke up sick. It could be something you ate. Or maybe your pregnant. Who am I supposed to go to. You thought to yourself.
"Hey, y/n you okay?" It was Matt. "Y-Yeah. "No your not I'm coming in. Oh my god sis you okay?" "Matt I-I'm so sorry!" I'm crying now. "Sorry for what?" "I slept with Jere and now I think I might be pregnant." "Hey its okay I'm here." "I'll go get you a test and we'll find out." "Th-Thank you." "I'm your big brother. Its my job."

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