They Ask You Out (Guys)

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Enzo: I'm finally out of that hell hole. "Hey Y/N?" Enzo faced me, but didn't look at me. His eyes were focussed on his hand, there was a cut there that wasn't healing. 

"Yeah." I cocked an eyebrow at him. 

"Since we're out of Augustine, and incredibly starved, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a killing spree with me?" He finally looked at me, bowing slightly and sticking his hand out. 

"You really know how to flatter a girl huh?" I chuckled and shook my head at him, but never the less I accepted his hand. 

"Is that a yes?" He smirked at me and winked. 


Kai: Ever since I met Kai at the bar he won't leave me alone. "Hey." Kai popped up from behind the park bench where I was sitting. 

"Go away Kai!" I rolled my eyes at him.

 "Why?" He frowned at me. 

"Because." I stated shortly. 

"That's not and answer." He tried reasoning with me. 

"Because... I don't like you." I came up with a quick lie to get him off my back.

 "Now Y/N we both know that's not true." He finally sat beside me on the bench. 

"Yes it is." I argued. "No, no its not." He argued back. 

"If I say yes, will you please leave me the hell alone. I mean seriously 3 days you have been following me around!" I shook my head, putting on a small smile. 

"If you say yes I'll leave you alone, for now." He grinned at me. "Fine yes, Kai I will go on a date with you." I gave up with an exaggerated sigh. 

"Pick you up at 8 Babe." He kissed my cheek and awkwardly finger-gunned away. 

"Yeah fine whatever."


Klaus: He simply sent you a hand-written invitation the the Mikaelson Ball


Elijah: "Y/N?" Elijah walked into the common room, where I sat on the couch reading. 

"Yes L'ijah?" I said not looking up from my book.

 "I was wondering, if you would allow me to take you on a date with me?" He spoke swiftly, so calm and collected. 

My eyes went wide in shock. "Of course, I would love to go with you." I said and smiled at him warmly. 

"Good. Tonight at 6 o'clock. Wear something nice." He smiled at me kindly and exited the room.

 "Tonight at 6, perfect." I stuck the page marker in my book and closed it.

 "Oh! Can I help you get ready!?" Rebekah clapped her hands excitedly. "Yes, of course Rebekah." I giggled at her giddiness. "Yay!"

 (I had to add a cute Bekah moment in there your welcome.)

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