I quickly changed and put on the sneakers. “What now?”


I walked to the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag along with a small mirror and walked back to the room. I put my makeup on the bed and Riley plopped down on the bed with a happy look on her face.

She dropped all of the makeup inside the makeup bag on the bed. “Close your eyes. It’ll be a surprise.”

I did as ordered and felt Riley put lipstick on my lips messily. After fifteen minutes of Riley putting makeup on my face, she finally told me to open my eyes.

Riley was holding up the small mirror with a proud look on her face. “Good?”

My eyes widened at what I was seeing but I couldn’t help but laugh. She had put red lipstick on my lips but she managed to overdo it and I looked like I had big, red Angelina Jolie lips. There was a trace of lipstick going all the way to my chin and horrible blue eye shadow that covered my eyelid and brow. 

“This is really good, Riley.” I lied, laughing.

Her face lit up. “Your turn!”

“Close your eyes.” I ordered.

She did as was told and closed her eyes. I grabbed a pink lipstick and applied it to her cheeks in circles, making her look like a clown. When I put down the pink lipstick, I grabbed a peach colored lipstick and applied it to her lips, making her have Angelina Jolie lips like she did to me. After applying black eye shadow all over her lid and her brow I told her to open her eyes. 

She opened her eyes and let out a loud giggle. “I look weird!”

“Hey, I worked hard on that!” I said, pretending to be upset.

“Well you need practice.” She replied bluntly, laughing. 

The door bell and I went to open it, seeing Jay. “Hey.”

He took one look at me and laughed. “What happened to you this time?”

I could only imagine how I looked to him. I was wearing a white sundress with sneakers and looked like a clown with makeup caked on my face.

“I was playing with Riley.” I explained, laughing. 

Riley ran to Jay and hugged him when she saw him. “Hi Jay.”

Jay smiled and hugged her tightly before letting her go. “Hi, Riles.”


“Wanna play?” She asked excitedly.

He nodded, laughing. “Of course!”

She led him to my room and he sat on my bed. “Let me do your makeup.”

Jay was about to protest but Riley was already putting pink lipstick on his lips. When Riley was done she ordered Jay to open his eyes. Jay’s makeup was similar to mine except the lipstick was pink not red.

Jay looked horrified. “Oh god.”

I laughed out loud, seeing Jay’s expression. “You don’t make a good looking girl, Jay.”

I grabbed my old thick camera that instantly printed out the picture as soon as the picture was taken.

“Let’s take a picture.” I commented, laughing at Jay. 

The three of us sat on the bed and posed. I took the picture with the camera and waited for the picture to print. I took out the picture and blew on it. We looked crazy in the picture. Jay looked like a drag queen and Riley and I looked like clowns. “I’m keeping this picture.” I laughed.

“Let’s take another one so I can keep one.” Jay said, running a hand through his hair. “I want to remember this.”

We posed the same way again and repeated the process. I handed Jay the picture, smiling. 

“Want to stay and watch a movie?” I asked him.

 “Let’s wipe off this ridiculous makeup first though.” He laughed.

I will be uploading very soon and you will find out what Christopher's surprise will be! Any guesses?

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