As it played, it showed a couple of girls, bullying one girl around in a school hallway. As she watched it, she saw that the girl that was being bullied was Joy. "What the hell?" she said out loud.

"We know you have an STD, bitch! You gave it Brian!" One of the girls said.

Alex frowned. She watched Joy defend herself while these girls harassed her and other students crowd around and watched.

Once the first hit was thrown, she watched the video for another five seconds and stopped it. The school had the nerve to call her as if Joy was the one that did something wrong. Alex could clearly see that she was defending herself.

She got out the bed and went to Joy's room. "Sweetheart," she said to Drew, "can I talk to her for a minute?"

He looked at Alex and then at Joy, who seemed as if she didn't want to be bothered.

"Sure." He got up and walked out.

Alex sat at the edge of Joy's bed and handed her the cell phone. She already had the video playing once she gave her the phone. "What were they saying to you?" She asked.

Joy didn't want to answer.

"I heard something pretty disturbing and I'm hoping it's not what I think it is and I heard it loud and clear, so please just talk to me and tell me the truth." Alex said in a calm tone.

"I think so."

"You think so, what?" Alex wanted her to clarify.

"I think it's true."

"So you're really being sexually active?" she asked. "When we talk to you about this stuff, we're asking for a reason. To prevent things like this from happening."

Joy's eyes filled with tears.

"Does your body feel different? Are you noticing any changes?" Alex asked.

"In some ways, yes. I'm not sure. I could be overreacting." Joy answered.

"I tell you what, tomorrow, you and I are gonna go to the clinic and get you checked out. Okay? Whatever happens, happen, and we'll go from there." Alex said, and she patted Joy's foot before she stood up and left.

Drew was downstairs getting some water from the refrigerator, "Everything alright?" He asked.

"Yea." She answered.

"I guess y'all needed girl talk or sow thing I don't understand." He said.

"Yea, pretty much. I'm going to bed." She grabbed a bottle of water and headed for the stairs.

"Wait," he grabbed her hand, "can you stay down here with me?" He asked. "Just watch some tv with me."

She sighed. "I'm really tired, and I want to be in the bed."

He let her hand go. "Okay."

Giving him one last look she went to their bedroom.

She was settled in their bed, underneath the covers, in the dark. She closed her eyes and moments later, she felt him get in the bed and wrap his arms around her.

"Good night." He whispered in her ear.

That morning, Alex started her day like any other. She made the appointment for Joy and was lucky enough to get her to see the doctor later that morning, so Joy went with Alex since she was suspended.

Alex stayed in the waiting room during the appointment praying and hoping that everything was okay. She'd hoped Joy wasn't pregnant because she knew her husband would raise hell once he'd found out.

She rocked back and forth, side to side, and tapped her foot nervously until Joy came back into the waiting room.

"Everything okay?" Alex asked once Joy sat next to her.

Joy's physical expression was blank with a hint of embarrassment.

"What did they say?" Alex asked.

Joy handed Alex some papers that were folded up.

Alex silent unfolded the papers and read them. They were the results of the tests they'd given her. Alex was relieved to see that Joy wasn't pregnant, nor had HIV, however she had chlamydia.

She was disappointed but she couldn't show it and she knew she had to tell Drew. This was something that he needed to know.

She folded the papers back up and gave it to Joy. Letting out a sigh, she ask, "are you ready?"

Joy nodded without looking at Alex.

"Okay, let's go."

The first half of the car ride was silent. Halfway home, Alex began to speak. "How many guys have you had sex with?" She asked.

Joy's eyes looked at her and then looked away. "Just one."

"That's it?" Alex asked.

Joy nodded.

"I need verbal responses right now." Alex demanded.

"Yes." Joy said, looking out the window.

"I sure hope you're telling me the truth." Alex commented. "When I asked you before if you're having sex, I asked for a reason."

"I'm not lying. It was just Donovan."

"Donovan gave you chlamydia?"

Joy frowned and tears formed in her eyes.

Alex then knew what was up. Donovan was someone that she took in and apparently he took advantage of Joy.

"Those girls lied." Joy cried. "I never did anything with anyone at school. It's all lies."

"Sweetie, calm down." Alex placed her hand on top of Joy's hand, which rested on her lap.

Although Drew snapped at her before about Joy, Alex knew she couldn't pretend as if she didn't care about Joy because she loves her as if she's her own.

Seeing Joy cry because of the hurt and Shane she was feeling, it was hurting her, so sh knew she needed to get to the bottom of it.

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