Just the Everyday Hero

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Chapter: Prince

Naturally it didn't take long for the elite Shadows to be pouring over to the Maidens just to see if they were okay.  I swear we don't always act like a flock of birds but that definitely happened.  The others stood and watched, I and another went to William.  It was Grey Fox, or Grey as they called her. "Holy Shit!" She said before I was at his side, with a hand on his shoulder.

"You alright?" I asked not too concerned but he was on his knee, that's enough to get me to ask.

My voice was echoed by that of a woman's, it was one of the Maidens in fact. "Oh my god! Is he okay?!"  My eyebrows furrowed at the sound and I looked over to see Leafy the most concerned out of the three.  River was being checked over by a Shadow, she must have been scared stiff because she was white as a sheep.   Ash however, she seemed to not be fazed, in fact she was smiling with a hot look in her eyes.

Liz looked up with me and she giggled.

"He's fine! My Papa is tough." She smiled with the words.   Under my hand William shifted and stood himself up again just taking a breath.  I stepped back to give him space while still looking at Leafy.

"He's also shirtless." Ash spoke with a well-placed smirk.

"God Dammit." I mumbled and I think that same thought came over William's mind.  Or more like, here it comes.

Leafy had regained herself, now looking away with a little anger in her face.  She was glad William was safe, you could see it in her eyes.

"Hey, Stranger." Ash called, "I didn't know you were a Dragon."  Which now seems to be the sexiest thing in the world.  Wait... is this all because Water Realm has a dragon and Fire Realm doesn't?!  Do you know how much hell that will cause!?

"Thanks for saving us but don't hurt yourself!" River sounded like she cried the words.

Now I just rolled my eyes, "Look who's getting all the ladies."  I gave William a pat before going over to the Maidens myself because no one was getting much out of Leafy.

Griffon's roar of a voice, by that I mean he is just loud, came from the crowd.  "Hey, What did I say about showing off your power, Will?!"  Before I knew it the man tackled William in a hug that lifted him off his feet.  Griffon was fast about making friends, but just the sound of William's grunt in getting tackled made me freeze up and turn.

"Griffon, dammit! Don't choke him out just give him a kiss already!"  I shouted and a few people snickered.

"The man has saved my daughter and the Maidens- twice.  I think he earned more than a kiss." Griffon had a wild smile and William wanted nothing of it.

"Oh, what might that be?" I asked before there was a burst of Ice.  William launched himself out of Griffon's arms and at the same time froze the man.  I cracked up, there was no way I couldn't at the look stuck on the Commander's face.

That's hilarious, god, what was I doing?  Right Leafy.  When I turned back to them she was suddenly standing beside me.  I stopped her with a gentle hand, "Whoa, you alright?"  She must have been on one of her righteous missions, I thought I would get an eye full of hate.   I'm surprised I didn't get slapped for touching her.  Instead of any of that she looked down at my hand and met eyes with me for a moment.   We had silence. "I want to know you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said quietly and with that I nodded and went back to the other Shadows.  Not sure what that was about but at least she listened.   "Alright, boys, shows over! Let's pack up and get ready to go, lunch should be done." It did not pass my mind but I was used to commanding my own men even though I was not the Commander.  I guess with my father gone they consider me one now, regardless they all listened and started setting up.

(Disclaimer: We do not own this photo.)

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