Shadows Unknown

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Chapter: Luna

Looking at him while he's asleep, with his daughter snuggling in his arms after having sneaking into his room, you wouldn't think that he was capable of great destruction. I walk over to his bedside and look down at his face and feel a twinge of guilt. "I can't send him and leave him alone again. I don't think he could take that kind of pain again." I look over at his daughter and smile at the cute little face with her ginger hair falling into her mouth. "She will keep him grounded in reality there. She will be his saving grace. Nothing is scarier than a father whose child is hurt."

You are needed champion, in a world far different than your own. I have seen your kind and how they can adapt to almost anything. This will be the greatest challenge of your adaptability. I transmit my thoughts to his mind. You must be there to do the things that they could not, to calm the raging fire that cannot destroy the plague. Do not be afraid West, William Satoshi, and do not be afraid Liz Satoshi. Have faith you will return one day rest assured I will not abandon you. Good luck chosen champion!

Chapter: William

The smell of damp grass flared up into my nostrils and jerked me awake. I look around and find my daughter next to me still sleeping. The only thing that struck me as odd was her dress. It was like nothing I have for her at home, and then I look at myself. My clothes are out of the ordinary as well it was a black leather jerkin and some kind of material used for my pants. Dark leather boots on my feet as well. On my back was a strong steel sword and as I examined it I had a stroke of fear go through me. "Am I unable to summon my weapons?" Before I could try and do anything the forest grew quiet.

"Something is here, but what or who is it?" I think to myself "Goliath can you tell who is out there?...... Goliath?"

I had received no response from the Elemental Being at all. I was starting to get real concerned at this point. Me and my daughter in the middle of a forest that I have no idea where and our clothes have changed without any knowledge of how or when they were changed. "Can I still use Magik?" I move my fingers slightly fully aware I'm being watched. The blades of grass moved as I wished them. "Interesting it would seem that I do have my power but I have just adapted to the environment. Very interesting."

I reach out feeling the surrounding area. 3? No 7 enemies, 3 on the ground and 4 in the trees. I fight by their rules for now but if my daughter is in any danger gloves are off. I stand up and stretch my arms, and get a feel for my surroundings. The aurora I feel here is very old, it feels as if I have gone back in time but if that were the case Yurajeel would be here and I probably wouldn't be in this mess. I walk forward and then a hostile aurora crashed into the surrounding area. They do not want me leaving this area, no matter what it would seem.

Well unfortunately for them I do not plan on staying here all day. I'm the curious one and so is my daughter. What is your first move unknown? I'm curious how you fight here; I'll let you have the first shot.

It was quick and sudden the first attacker launched out of the shadows. In an instant we had locked swords. The steel sword in my hand felt bulky and unreliable "I need my swords." I think to myself and we disconnect and he disappears back into the forest. The sound was loud enough to wake Liz and she looked around deeply confused as I was and she ran over to me.

"Papa I'm scared." Clinging to my shirt "Where are we?"

"I don't know Lizzy, but I'll keep you safe don't you worry."

It was then that she disappeared from behind me with one of the unknowns holding her with a sword across her throat.

"You will stay put or the girl will be slain."

His words fell on deaf ears, my daughter was in danger and I am not in a bargaining mood. Screw this world's rules I have my own that I'm going to play by. In an instant I was in my Fallen Angel attire, and it felt good. It felt familiar and reassuring that I was still me, West the Fallen Angel. Both Oathen and Dicen were in my hands and they were screaming at me to save my daughter. I place a wind barrier between the blade and Lizzy's neck and I launched forward. The unknown didn't even see me coming. I had him by the neck lifted off the ground and Liz by my feet.

"You alright Lizzy?" still holding the unknown.

"Yes Papa thank you." Sitting on the on the ground shivering.

They had crossed the line for sure. You touch my daughter with evil content then you will face hell itself. What a great first impression.

(Disclaimer: We do not own this photo.)

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