The Four Commanders

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Chapter: Griffon

It still baffles me that Mid Realm can be such a nice area and yet surrounding their camp is just straight up swamps. Still, the presence of the Black Wolf was as strong as usual. This was definitely Wolf Line territory. Beside me my lifetime friend snorted, so I promptly raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" I ask with a smile, smelling disapproval writhing out of Dragon.

Dragon had a snarl, "I sense another dragon here." He gritted as his stone green eyes beamed at me. "When the hell did another dragon come here?" He was growling with irritation, he hated other dragons in his area yet loved competition. That always made me laugh, he never takes a day off and one of these days I will see his ass get handed to him.

"Sorry, I brought along a new warrior today." I answered, just feeding the fire. A Shadow from my realm cringed, he was just newly vowed and found out he was a dragon too. He was nothing compared to Kalimenko and quietly shot eyes to me with fear.

Dragon scuffed, sitting up right again, "No, not him. I hardly noticed him, he's so puny."

My warrior snarled a little, "Hey!" That just made us both crack up into laughter leaving the warrior to tsk with a smirk.

"You know I have to give you a hard time." I eyed him with a smile. "It takes a real man to become a true dragon! You need training."

"Excuse me for being young." He shot back so used to my bantering, "It's not like I'm a hundred and twenty."

Dragon and I being that exactly, we vowed together and trained hard together with sweat and blood. It sort of became a competition and now we are both Commanders, how about that? "He's got some fire in him, huh, Dragon?" I smirked at my friend who was not listening in the slightest. He was obviously scouring for that other dragon in that area. "Afraid someone is going to out balls you?" Our horses had stopped and Black wolf was standing in front of us with a wild smirk.

"The mighty Dragon is on the hunt I see." White Stallion added making Dragon shoot a look at the ladies' man.

"What do you want, pony?" He snapped before smiling a little.

"This isn't going to be another Cock fight is it?" I added, Rooster gave me a look and then the four of us laughed.

"You think you're so funny." Rooster spoke gruffly at me, his short patience was showing.

"No, brother, I think we are hilarious." I gave him a white smile which always got a smile out of others. They knew I always liked to fool around and crack a joke. That or my dark skin just makes my smile really bright, I don't know.

Black Wolf graced us with his famous smirk, "It is good to see you two again." He greeted us while in the back I saw his son approach my daughter's carriage. I may be black but she's white, mind you, I took her in when the Commander and her family were killed. Dragon was in that fight and was the only survivor, but that's for another day.

I could hear Wolf and Dragon making conversation, Dragon was irritated again about this unseen presence and Wolf was left with muttering words because he had no clue. Then again he gets like that when he's hiding something.

Meanwhile I and the Shadows nearby had sharp looks on the Wolf Prince as he approached and bowed onto one knee. My daughter was the first to step out, fully clothes in her favorite of green studded dresses. Behind her, very shyly, the water maiden came. My daughter was fiercely independent as always, she did not take an offered hand to help her out of the carriage. River however did take Prince's hand and soon him and two other warriors guided their way to the gazebo. They settled there with Snake and Fox, I imagine, guarding around the spot. Prince softly played his violin among the giggling and greeting Maidens. They enjoyed his playing, and soon began to sing soft tunes while talking with one another.

Now I tuned back in to what Dragon and Wolf were still talking about. We had already dismounted and let the Mid Realm warriors take our horses while our Shadows settled in. When I tuned back into conversation Dragon was still on his anger issue. "Will you shut up about that?!" I shouted giving him a punch in the shoulder.

He glared at me while Wolf and the others snickered. We settled on our personal bench area, one of the closest rows to the action and the fire. Food was nearly finished with wild hogs being roasted and the other Shadows were starting to show off their skill. Practicing with each other, dancing with their weapons. Sunset had finally gone red with dusk approaching fast. Dragon sat beside me with Wolf at his other side and the other Commanders beyond that. Soon Ritual night would start.


Chapter: Liz

"So you are the famous outsiders this evening?" The lady name Jaguar and the mother of Snake and Prince.

"Yes." I say intimidated by her appearance.'

"No need to be scared I'm here for your protection. I'm not going to harm you." She says her face softening, "I can see why Prince has taken a liking to you. He doesn't give that stuffed bear to any little kid."

I examined the teddy bear in my hands and it didn't seem much but I could see the love that had gone into it.  It was very comforting and it helped remind me of home with my own stuffed animal collection.  Papa's breathing had gotten more and more relaxed so it wouldn't be longer till he woke up and then his body tensed but then relaxed.  "What was that about?" I think to myself.

"Well I'll be outside if you need anything.  Feel free to grab something to eat if you are hungry.  Just try not to burn the house down.  I would like a place for my boys to return home too." She said with a small smile.

I shake my head up and down fervently and with a chuckle she walks out the door.  I get up and stretch my legs and holding the bear in my arms I take look around the house.  I see two massive weapons that are Prince's pride and joy, or so he told me.  His crossbows that could blow a man apart.  Gruesome but I guess it is something to take pride in here.  I continue to look and nothing seems out of the ordinary in here.  It's a welcoming home that any family could be happy with.  "It's just not our home." I think to myself.  I look over at my papa's bedside watch his breathing.  It's a normal breathing for resting but it is restless.  He must be dreaming or sensing another presence.  I think it may be a combination of both since there is a rather important gathering tonight.

I take the rag off of papa's head and rinse it out with fresh water, and reapply it.  That seemed to calm him down some more.  I was glad and then my eyes started to droop.  I must really be tired, it isn't surprising in the least after a day like this anyone is bound to be tired.

(Disclaimer: We do not own this wonderful photo!)

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