The Things We Come to Share

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Chapter: William

"Alright it's your turn now let's take a look shall we." I say with a monotone demeanor.

There wasn't enough color in his face for it to be healthy but it wasn't from loss of blood, it was from loss of his family.  Both his parents were killed today and his brother is missing.  It was strange his aurora is nowhere to be found. "He must be pretty far away for me not to sense him." As I washed the wound Prince did not wince at all as I thoroughly cleaned it with my water.  While I began weaving the bandages he looks over at me and asks, "How do you cope with this? How can you be so strong when everything is taken? Do you know how it feels?"

Liz went stiff, because Prince had stepped on a landmine but it was ok...... I can trust this guy. "I do know.  I know exactly how it feels Prince you have no idea.  If you'll allow me I'd like to show you something."

"Show me what?" He says with a mournful look.

"My past."

He nodded his head and I touched his temple.  I sent every memory I could think of from my 17th birthday onward.  My fighting with my brother, and the death of my friends before me.  The talk with my dead parents, my mentor's death, and my final fight with King Saldin.  When I removed my finger from his temple I looked him dead in the eye and said, "What matters is now and how we choose to live.  I didn't want friends and still found them reborn, and even made new ones.  I got a beautiful, and strong daughter.  I still choose to smile and move forward.  It doesn't matter if they are dead they are always there." I slowly let out my wings, "These wings have all memories in them.  My friends are always with me no matter what."

"You have wings to contain the memories, I can't do that....."

"Stop saying you can't!" I yell getting the attention of the Shadows around me, and startling Prince in front of me, "If you can't have wings then make something yourself.  Put all your emotions into it and make it to where you remember them."

Realizing I may have gone overboard I cleared my throat and rub my head.  I nod at Liz to keep watching over Prince while I go around to fix up the other Shadows.  Before I walked away I told him that they were taking care of the fallen Shadows remains.  He acknowledged me with a nod and walked off.  I don't want him telling me he can't when he made do something that I did not have the energy to do.  These Shadows know he is a warrior, a proud one at that and now he is like this?  I don't think so I didn't quit on you so you're not going quit on me.  I fix up a few more warriors and then I make way over to the ceremony area.  The smell of burning bodies was in the air and it wasn't pleasant.  Before the smell got to field of the wounded I cleansed the air.

As I walked into the field I nod over at Griffon, "I see you are about finished here."

"Yes, we are just about done." Griffon said taking Prince's father's swords and placing them in the ground in the ashes.

"Ok, so I want to clear one thing up." I say walking over to where the Maidens had been 'secured' earlier.

"Oh and what is that?" Griffon said walking to where I was standing.

I snapped my fingers and the wall of ice was back to where it originally was the same thickness as before "Now you go ahead and break it tough guy."

"My pleasure." He said mockingly he went over and tapped the ice just like I did.  Nothing happened. "What the hell?" He went and full on slashed it with his sword same result.

I turn and do the same thing as before and it shattered into a glittering snow, "It's my ice, of course it'll break easily for me." I let a smile play on my face and make my way back to the homestead.

The Shadows that were sent to him tried to keep a plain face as I walked away.  It didn't work to well and soon they were on my tail back to the clearing.  When we arrived Prince was back on his feet with his glare mostly intact again.   Good, maybe Liz knocked some sense in him.  Griffon walked over to Prince and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'd like you and your warriors to come with me to the Forest Realm.  You'll be welcome there and safe for the time being. Of course your new friends are welcome to come as well. If it wasn't for him we couldn't have 'cooled' our heads."

"I do not mind at all thank you for asking." I cough stating that I do contain free will.

Prince had a small smile play on his lips "I will come with you Griffon and thank you for doing that for our fallen."

"It was the proper thing to do for our kind Prince.  Now let us leave this area first thing in the morning." Griffon said with a hint of sympathy.

I decided to stay up and be on patrol with the other Shadows just in case.  Liz was with Prince keeping him company.  Prince had decided to settle on carving new pictures on his crossbows.  Which I thought was most fitting for his family, powerful and swift as an arrow.  I stayed up for most of the night.  The other Shadows around me still treated me at a distance but that was fine with me.  I was an entity with powers beyond their imagination.  I've been using them for the past 3 years so it hasn't bothered me.  During the time on patrol, I began to think of home; Kharin, Leon, Michelle, Brittany and Rallin. "I wonder if they're doing alright? I'm sure it was them that tried to contact me yesterday." Whatever it was I'm sure it will be alright, at least I certainly hope so.  I can't shake this feeling that something is gonna happen.

It was about 3 in the morning when I dozed and then another presence entered my mind.  It began to form a picture a woman with golden eyes shaped like that of a cat. "Who are you?" I ask.

"I am Luna, and I am the embodiment of the universe, Nessenaru.  I am the reason you are also here in this world; the world of the Shadows." she says.

(Disclaimer: We do not own this photo.)

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