IG Famous?

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My eyes slowly opened. I looked around saw that my laptop was still on my bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I unplugged my phone from the charger and went on IG. I liked a couple edits and commented on some Digaz pictures. I went on snap chat. I saw peoples stories and added more people back. I put my phone down then got up. I walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess! I tied my hair in a high ponytail. I brushed my teeth then washed my face. Ugh! I have a huge pimple above my left eyebrow.

I walked to the bathroom. My mom was still sleeping. I put some waffles in the toaster and made some bacon. I sat in the kitchen table and began to eat. I heard footsteps. I soon saw my mom. She had messy hair and dark eyes. "Hey, good morning." She said rubbing my shoulder. "Morning." I said still looking down at my almost empty plate. "What happened last night? How did I  get in bed?" She said opening the fridge and running her fingers through her hair.

I got up and grabbed my plate. " Well you got drunk, broke some glass and broke a promise from a year ago to stop smoking. I had to get you up and put you to bed. Then clean up your freaking mess of glass, bottles and cigarettes." I said while putting the plate in the dishwasher. I just ran up to my room and slammed the door. I grabbed my phone. It had messages from Daniel.

Daniel: good morning sis. Picking u up at 3.
Me: 👍👍

I put my phone down it was already 12:17. I opened my closet door. I grabbed a beige romper and my beige flats. I played some music. I lip synced to the song Work by Rihanna. Soon I saw my mom open the door. "Y/N can we please talk?"

"Why? Your just gonna say you promise you won't ever smoke again and then go back to doing it again." I said sitting on the edge of my bed. She came and sat next to me. She put her hand on my lap. " I'm really sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. To be honest, I felt really guilty just lighting the cigarette..."

"So why did you do it!" A tear came out. "I don't know. But I swear to Nana I won't don't it again." I looked at her. "Then prove it starting right now!" I said a little louder still sitting on my bed. "I will." She said coming up to me then kissing my forehead. She left.

I cried again. I was to hard on her. I wish I could just take it back. My phone started to ring. It was Daniel wanting to face time. I dried my tears and accepted the call.

Daniel: hey! Have you been crying?
Me: no.
Daniel: are you sure? Your eyes are puffy
Me: yeah im fine. So what happened?
Daniel: oh so after the party my mom might take us to eat.
Me: OK lit! Well gotta go get dressed.
Daniel: OK bye and stop crying. I'm not stupid Y/N   I rolled my eyes
Me: Bye!

I hanged up.

I hopped in the shower. I shaved my legs and under arms. I exited the bathroom. I got dressed. I applied lotion on my legs then some deodorant. I didn't know what to do with my hair. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs. My mom was sitting in the couch watching TV. I sat next to her. "Mom, I just want to say I am really sorry for yelling at you like that. I was just really upset." I said looking into her eyes. "Yeah, I know I don't blame ya. I feel ya." She said slightly smiling. I hugged her.

"So mom I am going to a party with Daniel. So um can you do box braids on me?" I said looking at my phone. "Is it those braids that go down your head?" She said giving me a confused face. I nodded my head. She went into her room and for some supplies. I sat on the floor while she sat on the couch behind me. She began to do my hair. I went on snap chat. I recorded her doing my hair. I posted it and went back to the camera. I put the dog filter then made a duck face. I posted it on my story and then went on IG. I liked some pictures and saw some more edits of me and some of me and the boys. Digaz are incredibly talented!

My mom saw an edit of me. "Wow thats really cute! You did that?" She said while doing my hair. "No, some Digaz are doing some really creative edits of me. They get better everyday!" I said liking another edit. "They must really like you!" She said tying a braid. "Yeah, I guess..."

Soon my mom was done. She sprayed some hair spray and I got up. I thanked her and went up to my room again. It was 1:24. I decided to do my make up. I wanted to do something a little more. I decided to put on some fake eyelashes. They were the hardest to put on , but finally I was able to put them on. I added some mascara to blend my real eyelashes with the fake ones. After that I applied a nude lip liner and then ChapStick. I put my flats and went back down stairs.

I felt like posting something on IG. I have to take my IG more serious now that I am in the group. I asked my mom to take some pictures of me outside in the front yard. I first took one of me putting my hands on my hips. Then one of me holding the tip of one of my braids. My mom was making me laugh she looked funny holding my phone. She accidentally took a picture of my laughing looking at the floor so I decided to post that one too.

I soon got many likes. Like a lot of likes. It was crazy! And they were all going so fast. It was insane. I gained more followers too! Am I becoming IG famous?

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