Getting To Work

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I woke up from a heavy sleep. I sat up and looked around. I was still in Devin's room with the boys. I heard some music and the dogs barking. The boys were still sleeping. And I didn't want to be the only one awake. But then the door busts open. Lexi and Jazzy barge in. They are yelling "Everybody wake up! Wakie Wakie!" They jump on everybody's bed. Finally they notice I'm awake. "Oh,umm hey Y/N! I didn't notice you were up." I laughed then helped them wake up the boys. Jazzy started jumping on Daniel's bed. I started tickling Kevin. And Lexi was jumping on Devin's bed. Daniel woke up first. Then Kevin, and lastly Devin which didn't wake up very happy.

We each took turns getting in the bathroom. It was Devin's turn. Shana came in the room and gave me a towel and toothbrush. "This is for you! Now that you part of the family, you need these!" She said smiling. I smiled back and looked down at the towel and toothbrush. I smiled once more. Lexi came in and said "Hey come to my room we need to find you some clothes girl!" She said pulling on my arm. We walked into her room. She opened her closet. "Take what ever looks good." I grabbed some skinny ripped jeans and a baby blue crop hoodie that says "Gangsta Of Love". And my Air Jordan 11 Legend Blue which i left here the first time i came to the Gordon House. Finally, Devin came out the bathroom.

It was my turn. I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I then got in the shower. I started to sing If I ain't got you by Alicia Keys. Which is one of my favorite songs. Once I got out the shower I pat my body dry with my new towel. I got dressed. I got out the bathroom and went to the wall mirror in Lexi's room. "Wow, I could never rock that shirt. It looks better on you. Keep it!" She said coming closer to me. I turned around facing her with my eyes wide open. "No I can't keep this, this is yours!" I said looking down at the crop hoodie. "Nah, for real keep it." She said smiling. I gave her a hug then looked back at the mirror.

I left the room while Lexi went to the kitchen with Momma Shana and Allstar. I went to Devin's room where the boys were. I fixed my hair. I just left my hair loose. I sat next to Kevin who was touching up his hair. I went on ig. I got a whole bunch of followers. It was crazy. I soon got 2K. I went to snapchat. Many Digaz added me on snapchat. I started the look at peoples stories. I then took a selfie and posted it.

Kevin saw that I was in snapchat so he came and grabbed my phone then took over my snap chat. "Digz breakfast is ready!" Said Allstar. Kevin gave me my phone back and we all went down stairs. It was pancakes with eggs and bacon. We all sat down. Shana then served up some orange juice. We began to eat.

"So Y/N how does it feel to have your first morning in the Gordon House?" Said Shana. "Its was actually pretty awesome! Everyone is nice here." "Nice, what you thought we were gonna be mean?" We all laughed. "Well, you all dressed really nice today, which is good because today we are doing photoshoots for a new poster and a new postcard with Y/N." I was so excited. They all clapped and I just smiled from ear to ear. Everybody was done so they cleaned out their plates and put them into the dish washer. We went into this room which I didn't know they had. They had this green screen and some bright lights and a fancy camera. I guess this is where they do their photoshoots. Allstar then came in the room. Me and the boys stood in front of the green screen.

"OK so we are first going to take pictures for the poster." Allstar said. He gave us our positions. Devin was just standing leaning a little to the left. Then I stood there with one leg out and popping one of my hips out. Allstar said I should put my arm on Daniel's shoulder, which he was just standing there. He ran his finger through his hair then went back to his position. Kevin stood straight but turning his head a little to the right revealing his left jawline.😍😍

Finally the picture was taken. After that we played a little more with our positions and then it was time to take a picture for the postcard thingy. We switched our spots. First was Kevin who did the same pose a before except this time he smiled a little. Daniel stood straight again, he licked his lips, run his fingers through his hair and then stood straight again. Then it was me. I did the same position as before except this time I put my hand on my hip. And lastly Devin stood straight then her did his famous smirk, he turned his face towards the right revealing his left jawline as well.😍😍 The picture was taken and we looked at the pictures. They looked really good. I loved them. "That's a wrap!" Allstar said. "Was that your first time doing a photoshoot?" Said Kevin. I nodded and he said "You did really great!" After that we went to the studio and worked on some more songs.

When we were in the studio, Allstar got a phone call. It seemed important cause he left the room to take it. While he was outside, me and Devin were taking pictures. He had a straight face but smirked a little. I just turned my head a little and smiled. "I'm posting this on IG!" He said very excited. He posted it and tagged me. I went to go see it. The caption was "New Bestie!". I looked at him and smiled. All of a sudden my phone started buzzing nonstop. "What is that?  Said Daniel. "My instagram notifications." He took my phone and said "No, you need to mute the notifications. I'll do it for you."

He gave me my phone back then Allstar came in. "Y/N I just got a call from GizzyEntertainment. They would want to interview you tomorrow." I was shocked. "Really? Aye that's lit!" "Yeah, the reason they are called GizzyEntertainment is because Digaz are the owners." He said lookin impressed by the name. "Wow,this lit!" Kevin said. "Yeah,but the boys have to come to because they want to ask you guys questions about how does it feel like to have a new member." This is awesome. My first interview. I called my mom and told her everything. Can't wait till tomorrow!

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