First Interview

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Me and the boys were in the car on our way to meet with GizzyEntertainment. I think we were meeting them in a radio station. We were listening to Jumpman by drake in the car. Me and the boys were signing along. I went on snap chat and recorded my self lip syncing to the song. I posted it on my story then went back to the camera. I was lip syncing again. Daniel, who was sitting next to me, noticed me and came into the camera and we both sang along.

Finally, we got to the radio station building. We went inside and started to go up some stairs. Finally there was a door that said "GizzyEntertainment". We knocked on the door. "Come in!" Said a young female voice. Devin opened the door and we all walked in. "Omg! Its The Bomb Digz!" Said the girl. She was tall an had short black hair. She had glasses and a beauty mark above her eyebrows. She had the black/pink gizzy tee and some jeans.

"OK so I am Desire one of the owners of GizzyEntertainment. We had found out that there was a new member of the group. So we had to interview you. We are going to get to know you better. We will be recording. After the interview is done we will edit the video than post it on our YouTube. So basically all the Digaz will be able to watch and know you better." I nodded to everything they said. "OK let's head into this room where the interview will take place." We walked into this room where there was a big white couch. In front of it was a camera. And behind the camera were like 6 or 7 chairs.

"OK so first we want to interview Y/N. So Y/N can you sit over here please?" I walked to the couch and sat while the Diga was setting up the camera.

Digaz: so how are you doing today?
Me: Good, Thank God.
Diga: OK so I am pretty sure everybody wants to know but what is your full name?
Me' Y/N  Y/M/N(optional)  Y/L/N
Diga: So how did you join the group?
Me: Well before I was in the group, I was a diga just like you. And one day I was dming one of my best friends. And she was sending me signing videos. So she asked for one. So I recorded the video and "sent it". (I said doing the quotation sign) but turns out I accidentally send it to TBDs group page. And I didn't notice I send it to them until they replied.
Diga: wow! What they say?
Me: they were like you have so much talent we will like you to join Starcyde Entertainment.
Diga: did you immediately join tbd?
Me: no at first they had no idea what to do with me. Um but then they asked me to sing a little something in the booth. Then after they had the idea of me joining the group.

Diga: Well so far how does it feel to be in the group?
Me: Well, at first I was like worried because they already had songs and they had a poster and I was going to be the only girl. But we were able to figure things out. Umm but so far, it feels awesome. I have 100% support from everybody. My mom, Shana, our producer, the boys and the rest of the gizzy fam. So far its going great.

Diga: so I have a question? Since you were a diga, who of the group was your favorite?

Me: I laughed a bit. Well I still am a diga. You know once a Diga always a Diga. And I still lowkey fan girl at times. But tbh I didn't have a favorite. I was always a Gordalveda girl. So yeah.
Diga: cool! So know can we have the boys join us?

The boys sat next to me. The order was Devin,Kevin,Daniel, and me.

Diga: so how are you guys doing today?
The boys: we good! Gizzy as always. You feel me?
Digaz: OK so first things first. How does it feel to have another member for the group?

I am so scared. What if they don't like that I am in the group. What if they feel some type of way. What if they want to kick me out?

4th Member Of The Bomb DigzWhere stories live. Discover now