Shattering of a Goddess

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Kureha now stood before her own dear and beloved Yaboku. Yet she seemed to be unable to see that. Just what exactly did she see when she gazed upon the true Yaboku? Biting his bottom lip Yato charged towards his lover calling out to her once more. Begging her to open her eyes and see the truth that now lay before her. But she answered him only by brandishing a blight covered blade which clashed against Tsukine. The moment the blades made contact the infinite darkness swirled around Tsukine. She cried out for help as the darkness threatened to swallow her whole. Her eyes were wide in fear and that horribly dulled her blade. She was afraid. She was afraid of this darkness. She wanted to get rid of it. To run away and never look back. But she couldn't. She had a promise to keep,and she planned to keep it. Even if she had to brave her worst fears in order to keep it. Tsukine peered towards her mistress who's eyes were devoid of any emotion whatever. Yet in her eyes she saw tears. Did she see them? Was she unable to control her actions. "Yato! She can hear us!"Tsukine called out only to be bound tightly by the darkness which silenced her.

Fearing for her well-being Yato bid Tsukine to revert to her human form. Temporarily freeded her from the impending darkness. Blight now covering Tsukine's weakened body she peered towards her mistress. With tears of her own rolling down her cheeks. "Mistress."She whispered while choosing to ignore the pain blight now brought to her. This was the pain her mistress mustered? How did she endure such a pain on a daily basis? "Open your eyes mistress Kureha! We're here for you! Please!" Tsukine called out,this greatly angered Izanami who was not enjoying this at all. If she wasn't too careful she could lose her playthings. And that she could not allow.

"Kill them Kureha! Kill them and we can be together!"Izanami called out still in the guise of Yaboku. "Yes,anata."Kureha whispered before effortlessly finding Yato's blind spot. His eyes were wide in fear as he felt the steel of the blade dig deep into his stomach. Yato gasped in pain gritting his teeth before dropping Yukine and choosing to brave the rest of the blade. He then wrapped his arms around Kureha stopping any further movement,causing her to gasp. "Release me!" " I won't. I won't leave you ever again."Yato told her as a sudden flood of tears formed in her eyes. She felt it. She felt her heart beating out of her chest. She felt the familiar worth that belonged to none other than her Yaboku. Slowly Kureha's grip on the blade loosened as she dared to look her beloved Yaboku in the eye. Watching as blood poured from the wound she had given to him. "N-No...what have I done?" Kureha whispered as the realization hit her.

She had done this,she had hurt Yato. But not just him,she had her Tsuya who now lay before her. A terrible cloak of blight covering her from head to toe. Tsuya struggled not to cry out in pain as she couldn't help but to smile weakly towards her mistress. As she realized she had returned to them once more. "Your... Your back....I'm so glad...mistress."Tsuya whispered before passing out in pain as Kureha's eyes wide in shock. Tears now rolled down her cheeks like waterfalls as she released a blood curdling scream into the air.

One that seemed to echo through out the entire underworld. Kureha gripped onto Yato tightly as she apologized over and over to him. Pleading with him to forgive her for her sins against him. But it was not needed. Yato gently caressed Kureha's cheek,stopping her oncoming tears before kissing away her tears. "Your back...that's all that matters."Yato breathed gritting his teeth as he struggled to his feet. Refusing to allow the blight to stop him any longer. Ignoring his wound her called for Tsukine who in a collection of black and white light returned to his side in weapon form.

He would not beable to use her with the blight on her,but he couldn't not leave her here alone. Kureha gently placed her hand on Yato's as the cloak of blight dispersed from Tsukine and Yato. A wave of relief washed over the two as Yato flashed the yari towards Izanami who growled. "You won't escape from here!" Izanami exclaimed revealing her true skeletal form before bidding her underworld minions to attack the group. Yato gripped onto Kureha before running at top speed away from Izanami and her minions.

They latched and clawed at Yato but with the help of Kureha he was able to keep the minions at bay. Soon the vent leading to the outside world came into view on instinct Kureha pushed Yato away from her. Who demanded to know what she was doing. A warm smile appeared on her for before she spoke"Saving us all." Kureha whispered before calling for Tsuya who now stood by her side. With a determined expression on her face. "I will follow you to the very end."Tsuya declared with a smile as Kureha nodded thanking Tsuya before bidding her to take her marinara form.

Watching as the minions neared them,Kureha twirled the marinade between her fingertips before striking the ground. Creating a large azure hued barrier which seemed to burn anyone it came in contact with. Izanami screamed from the outside of the barrier,cursing Kureha and Yato from the depths of her heart. Before the group turned on their heels to flee. With the help of Kofuku the group soon landed on the warm geass of the Near Shore. To be greeted by a happy Kofuku and Daikoku who hugged them one by one.

But the moment where Yato and Kureha were given time to be alone they took it. Yato brought the woman into his arms whispering how happy he was that she was safe. Kureha gripped onto Yato tightly,before nuzzling her face into his chest. "I know."She whispered to get lover enjoying their warm embrace. For she knew this could be the final time she would feel his arms around her. She knew it. It was time.

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