Conflict of a Goddess

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Kureha once again found herself in the confinements of her very soul. The inside of it giving off the appearence that she was submerged in water. She turned around watching as little trails of bubbles collected wherever she moved. She sighed lightly before leaning backwards allowing herself to float among herself.

With Nora's question evident in her mind Kureha felt compelled to answer. Fearing if she didn't it very well may cost her, her life. Kureha closed her eyes allowing all her memories to come to her and flow as one. She had to figure this out. How did she feel? If she had not met Yato she would have become the wife of a young prosperous lord. Yes he was a very greedy man and it would have been most likely a unhappy marriage she would still would have lived a long and rich life.

While instead she met him,a handsome God she couldn't turn her eyes away from. The moment she layed eyes on him she wanted him to look at her and her alone. Kureha wanted to be by his side no matter what the risk. It was a whirlwind love affair if you will. Kureha was swept off her feed by the young God. He catered to her every whim without a second thought. He even stopped granting violent wishes becomes it displeased her. But it not only displeased her. But it also displeased Nora or Hiiro who was angry because he had in fact stopped granting those wishes.

But it mattered not to Yato,or Kureha. As long as the two had each other nothing else mattered in the world. Kureha couldn't help to smile as she remembered the hundreds upon hundreds of times the two had stolen kisses from one another. But none was as passionate as the one she was about to recall. It was the night of the full moon,and cherry blossoms were in full bloom. To everyone else it was a lovely night but to Kureha it was not. After hearing a startling rumor that her husband to be. The young had once again plotted for her death. To such a degree he had been poisoning her food for months. It was no wonder her coughing fits had gotten worst and bloodier. Kureha had first believed her illness was simply worsening but to now know he was behind was enough to make her scream.

Kureha couldn't help but to shudder at the thought as tears continuously glided down her cheeks. It was then Kureha felt a familiar warm hand on her cheek,wiping away her already brimming over tears. His touch immediately began to settle her worried heart. Kureha slowly turned to meet the warm gaze of her dear Yaboku who held a confused and concerned expression on his face. It was then that Kureha told him. She told him everything she told him how she had been poisoned and had been feeling abit ill. And that the culprit was her husband to be. But most of all she told him how she feared for her life,she didn't want to die. Not now,not yet!

Yaboku quickly kissed away her newly forming tears before he effortlessly overpowered Kureha pressing her back gently again the grass below. Kureha couldn't help but to gasp in shock as she felt Yaboku's left hand slowly caress her right thigh under her kimono causing her to release a soft a sweet moan to his ears. He smiled towards her before wrapping her leg around his waist all the while pinning her hands over her head. She looked beautiful, beautiful and very very tempting to him so much in fact he almost couldn't resist her.

"I won't let him,or anyone hurt you. Kureha."He breathed,his blue eyes peering into Kureha's tear filled ones. Almost as if they were trying to reassure her he was being sincere. But it wasn't necessary. Just by hearing the tone of his voice Kureha knew he was being honest. He had opened himself up to her so many times, so why would he lie? Kureha stared up towards Yaboku,completely surrending herself to his mercy. For she knew what he said was true. No it was more like she believed it. The moment their lips touched in that fiery moment. Their tongues and bodies twisting and turning as the two released their fair share of grunts and moans into the night air.

It was moments like that,that Kureha could never regret. She loved them and cherished them with all her heart. She refused to ever let them go. No matter what the risks were they were worth it to her. It was fleeting...but she loved every moment of it. Just as much as she loved him. Kureha slowly opened her eyes before placing her hands over her gear ire fore she prepared herself to answer Nora's question. "No."

The moment that word left her lips a sudden light emerged from the sky above. Kureha gasped at the sight as the light seemed the bathe her entire soul. She smiled at the warm touch before finding her current body fading away into the light. Knowing it was safe Kureha allowed herself to be fully absorbed by the light only to find herself awake and drenched in sweat in a small familiar room. Slowly and carefully Kureha sat up on the futon to see her faithful regalia Tsuya sleeping on her bed. She must have been worried sick about her. Beside her was Kofuku,and apparently her new friend Hiyori. The girl had helped her in return and she was a pure soul a rare one indeed. But someone was missing. Where was he?

Quietly Kureha climbed out of the futon,noticing she was dressed in a high school uniform similar to Hiyori's. Her clothes must have been dirty from that fight. That fight? Kureha then recalled the battle of Blight that overtook her with Nora. She also remembered Yato who saved her. Her dear Yaboku had saved her. She then began to check her body for Blight and soon realized some of it had faded away completely. She was healing. A smile appeared on her lips as she turned to tell Tsuya only to be face to face with her dear Yaboku. He stared at her in complete awe as she couldn't help but to smile. With Nora's question evident in her mind Kureha spoke her anwer. "No." This puzzled Yato as he asked her what she meant.

Kureha smiled before wrapping her arms around her lover, refusing to ever let go. "I don't regret meeting you." She breathed as Yato smiled before whispering in her ear."I know." He then silenced her with another one of his passionate kisses that made Kureha's mind numb. She loved him,and he loved her. Nothing would ever change that,not Nora,Bishamon,no one. And that was a promise.

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