A Regalias Dark Ambition

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Dedicated to 13_thana

A few hours had passed since the minor purification on Kureha's body, and finally she had given into sleep. Yato knew she was always a determined woman even way back when and it took quite abit of convincing to make her sleep. But Kureha refused to sleep for too long,she was worried. She was worried about her dear regalia. Tsuya who had been missing for days. Kureha admitted she felt empty without her trusted friend and wanted to find her. It saddened Yato when the thought of Tsuya blighting Kureha came to mind. Blighting a God let alone a Celestial Being was one of the greatest of all sins. One that could place Tsuya's name in jeopardy and sadly turn her into a Nora.

Many times Kureha was begged by both Yato and Kofuku to end it. To release Tsuya from her name,but Kureha would hear nothing of it. She glared at Yato,her once deep cerulean pools who only held love for him now held determination and anger. "I won't let her go,would you let Yukine go?"She asked angrily immediately shutting Yato up.

She was right, both Yukine and Tsuya did have alot in common. Both her were young Regalias and both had blighted their Masters. Yato could still recall the time where he had become horribly blighted by Yukine. To the extent that Yato was in constant pain and unable to move. And Yukine....so self absorbed and unable to face reality that he was no longer alive nearly turned in a phantom. But even so Yato refused to give up he refused to give up on Yukine. And ever since Yukine has been his trusted regalia no matter what.

So in a way Yato could understand Kureha's feelings but that didn't mean he wanted to continue to watch her suffer. He saw the drastic decrease in her strength,hell she was barely able to sit up on her own let alone stand. And she would only get worse unless Tsuya was found and purified. Yato sighed as he leaned against old man Tenjin's shrine thinking quietly to himself before spotting a fairly large vent in the distance. The phantoms swarming from it twisting and turning almost as if it was mocking him to come to them. But Yato resisted the urge to run towards the vent knowing good and well he had to protect Kureha no matter what.

"Do you like my little present Yato?"Asked a familar chilling voice which made Yato step back fearfully knowing all too well who it was. While sitting on top of a lion statue was indeed Nora with a pleased smile on her face. "You look well Yato."Nora greeted with a smile as Yato glared towards Nora as he gritted his teeth."Nora."He whispered as Nora giggled lightly towards him "Now,now why don't you call me by my real name...Yaboku."She whispered causing Yato to growl angrily towards her.

"Stop playing games Nora! Where is she?"Yato demanded as Nora smirked before pointing into the distance as an image of a woman emerged from the darkness of the vent. Yato slowly turned his eyes wide in shock as he stared at Tsuya who's eyes were overcome with a crimson glow. Nora released a light giggle as she appeared behind Tsuya,running her fingers through her hair before whispering"He's in your way,if you want her. If you want Kureha to yourself. Then....you have to get rid of Yato."She whispered as Tsuya stared towards Yato,her eyes glazed over by her own dark ambition.

Slowly Tsuya took a few steps towards Yato,as she extended her right hand in the air. It was then that millions and millions of tiny spiderwebs collected within her grip before taking the shape of an all black naginata with blight running across the blade. Tsuya then twirled the naginata effortlessly between her fingertips before aiming it towards Yato who swallowed hard. "Lady Kureha.....is Mine!"She screamed before charging towards Yato in anger. Yato couldn't help but to glare towards Nora. He knew he couldn't hurt Tsuya not if he didn't want Kureha to hate him.

But also he couldn't allow himself to die. And without Yukine by his side to defend him he was as good as a sitting duck. He was in a bind,one that could impact many lives based on his decision. What should he do? Fight or Die?

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