Phantom and a Goddess

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Days later enjoying her normal high school life was the young Hiyori Iki,who giggled happily at one of her dear friend's jokes. Hiyori smiled holding her backpack as she walked off school grounds with her two friends. Who constantly talked about their future New Years wishes. "To be popular!" "To be beautiful forever!" "To be popular!" The girls chriped all the while asking Hiyori for her New Years wish. Hiyori averted her gaze to the ground,shaking her head towards her friends. "I don't have a New Years Wish." Hiyori whispered catching the attention of her friends.

"Eh?!" Her friends exclaimed in unison,surprised at their dear Friend's answer. "Seriously?! Nothing?" One of her friends asked as Hiyori shook her head answering. "Nope, not really." She whispered while continuing to walk down the sidewalk,with a single thought running through her head."Until Yato grants my wish,I'm stuck like this."She thought quietly to herself while the three girls continued to walk with Hiyori lost in her thoughts. But unknown to Hiyori's two friends there was danger lurking about.

Immediately Hiyori turned around realizing she was being followed by a hoard of wolf like Phantoms. Hiyori then came up with a reason for her friends to go on without her. The two hesitantly agreed,leaving the area while Hiyori ducked into a alley. Purposely leaving her body out of sight and switching to her half phantom form. Her lavender tail twitching violently as she bound into the air with the hoard of wolf shaped phantoms on her tail. Hiyori shrieked as she felt jaws on the tip of her cord fearing for her life. She then bound into the air on a tall building hoping she would not be attacked.

The wolf like Phantoms barkednand howled towards Hiyori, their jaws deripping with saliva as they struggled to sink their teeth into Hiyori. She cried for help,hoping that someone would hear her cries. Maybe Kofuku,Daikoku or maybe even Yato. But she knew in her current form that even a God wouldnt be able to save her. Hiyori then jumped onto a fairly tall telephone pole,watching as the hoard of Phantoms encirled her. Their jaws snapping as they struggled to reach for her,hoping for an easy meal. Hiyori gripped onto her tail,keeping it away from her enemy. She bit her bottom lip as fresh tears cascaded down her cheeks. 'Please! Someone save me!' Hiyori thought to herself,sending a silent prayer to the gods above.

Suddenly the sounds of shrieking wolf Phantoms filled Hiyori's ears. She opened her eyes to see the blurred image of the woman she had seen a few days ago. A vision of beauty, with her billowing raven hair following her every movement. And her calm azure gaze shook Hiyori to the core. The woman effortlessly slashed through the Phantoms as if they were nothing. With a lovely azure and silver naginata in her hands. The phantoms hissed as one longed towards Hiyori. She released a loud shriek before the beautiful woman bound into the air beginning to chant. "Celestial beings of the universe I invoke yourn will and ability to protrect those who deserve our divine intervention. I invoke thee! Celestial Borderline!" She called out as a rippling azure and gold barrier appeared around herself and Hiyori. Protecting the two from the on coming Phantoms.

Hiyori stared in utter amazement, at the divine barrier which protected her. Her gaze drifted to the woman before her who remained silent before beginning to chant once more. "I invoke thee Celestials for your divine intervention, come to my blade.Tsuyahime!" She shouted as a bright azure light began to pour from Kureha's naginata before sending a single wave of power throughout the area destroying the remaining Phantoms in an instant. Slowly the barrier around the two began to fade,Hiyori sighed in relief. Slumping against the telephone pole,thanking the very gods she was saved.

Quietly Hiyori admired the quiet beauty,as she allowed the naginata between her fingertips to disperse and reappear in the form of a young teenage girl. The young brunette immediately bowed before Kureha who used the girl as a support. From what Hiyori could tell,she was weak. Weaker than any god she had ever seen,and it concerned her. "Are you alright Miss...Miss Kureha?" Hiyori asked the beautiful woman who now struggled to stand. Kureha quietly nodded a yes before jumping from the high point,landing beside her fellow Regalia. Who held her up with all her might. "My Mistress is tired is all." Tsuya informed Hiyori who hesitantly nodded watching the raven haired beauty before her begin to walk away.

"W-wait!" Hiyori called out towards Kureha,stopping the Goddess in her tracks. "There is no need to word yourself, Iki Hiyori." Kureha breathed as Hiyori ran towards her asking how she knew her name. Kureha smiled towards Hiyori turning towards the young teen. " Your a friend of my dear Yaboku, I make it my business to know."Kureha stated as Hiyori bit her bottom lip questions lingering in her mind. 'Yaboku?'Hiyori thought in a confused manner. "Who are you to Yato?" Hiyori called out to the beautiful woman. Tsuya turned towards her Mistress who signed lightly. "He was my lover." Kureha answered truthfully,watching as the young girl wrapped her head around her answer.

"Then why not go to him?" Hiyori asked as Kureha gripped onto her chest. Pain resonating from her heart as she blinked back her tears. "I wish I could." Kureha breathed before she and Tsuya dissapeared into nothing but thin air. Leaving a stunned and confused Hiyori in the distance. She had no idea why a God she didn't know would save her,but she knew one thing. She was important to Yato, which meant she was important to her. Hiyori quickly returned to her body before bounding to the one person besides Yato who knew anything about Kureha,the mysterious beauty. And that one person would be Kofuku.

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