Harsh Reality of a Goddess

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Enough said both Yato and Kureha were fully enjoying themselves. With Yato's hands gently caressing Kureha from head to toe. Fully intending to fulfill every desire she could possibly have. With her bright cerulean eyes giving him a lust full look,Yato began to cover her in a barrage of kisses. Causing Kureha to release a light moan into the air.

But she quickly squeezed her mouth shut,fearful that Hiyori or anyone may notice her very raunchy noises. Biting down on the blanket,Kureha allowed Yato to slowly peel away layer after layer of her clothing before tossing it across the room. She immediately became very shy as she watched Yato's beautiful eyes seemed to take her in. Becoming very uncomfortable she grabbed a blanket and covered her bare form. Only to be stopped by the gentle hand of her dear Yaboku who smiled warmly towards her.

Gently he pushed away the blankets before gently running his hands up and down her body. "Your beautiful, don't hide yourself from me."He told her soothingly but Kureha shook her head no,all the while covering the center of her chest from view. Curious Yato begged her to allow him to see which she hesitantly did. And what Yato saw was something truly shocking.

Nestled between her breasts lay a large gaping hole,where blight seemed to ooze ever so slightly out of it. That was it. The way Nora had forced Kureha's soul into this cursed vessel. And also it served as a reminder of the reaccuring blight. Kureha averted her gaze to the ground while hiding the embarrassing sight. "Please....don't look."Kureha whispered,regret evident in her voice as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"You think this, takes away from your beauty?"Yato asked in almost what appeared to be a confused manner. He truly didn't see her abnormality as a default. In his eyes Kureha was just as beautiful the day he layed eyes on her. No she was even more beautiful before him than ever. As soon as Kureha made eye contact with Yaboku she felt all of the love that seemed to alleviate her own love for him.

"You think....I'm still beautiful?"Kureha asked him only to be silenced with a single mind blowing kiss that had Kureha melting into him. Wrapping her arms around his neck Kureha once again found the two of them between the sheets. Releasing groans and moans in pleasure until a sudden burst of electricity rushed through her body causing her to gasp in pain,alerting Yato. "Are you okay? "He asked her as Kureha smiled weakly towards him,beads of sweat covering her forhead.

"Y-yes I just -"She began before the large gapping hole released more and more blight which wrapped around her body painfully.Kureha arched her back releasing a terrible scream as Yato held her in place hoping this fit would die down. But it appeared this fit was not going to be a short one. Yato found himself struggling to hold onto Kureha as she thrashed around the bed. Pain evident in her eyes before she ultimately passed out due to the pain. "Kureha? Kureha?!"Yato exclaimed as he gently shook her,fear settling in.

What has he done? Did Yato wanting to increase their powers do this to her? Distraught Yato quickly dressed Kureha before bounding out of the house seeking answers.

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