"No! I have to fix it!" I scramble off the bed and push Sam harshly out of the way making her fall onto her bottom with a thud. She scowls at me but relaxes and instead observes me trying to put the vase back together like a puzzle.

"What's so important about the vase anyway? There's another one on the other side of the room. Oh wait....does it mess with your symmetry based lifestyle?" she muses. I grunt angrily at her and keep trying to put the pieces together.

"That's only half of the reason. The vases are actually gifts from someone special to Kid. Something to remember them by." 

Yes Liz, go ahead and share my personal life stories.

"Girl?" Connor asks. Liz nods. She just keeps answering.

Samantha made and 'O' shape with her mouth and Connor nodded in understanding. He took a seat beside Sam on the floor watching me fumble over bits and pieces.

"Will they be angry to know Kid smashed it?" Connor asked

"I didn't smashed it," I said quietly and calmly. Don't be fooled, I am no where near calm. "Patty smashed it."

"I'm really sorry," the girl mumbles close to tears. Great, now I made her cry.

I sighed and told Liz to take Patty out and get her a cookie or something. Take her out and look at birds, anything that would stop the girl from bursting into tears.

They exit leaving me, Sam and Connor.

"So, since you can't fix it, what'ya gonna do?" Sam asks laying down on the floor. I didn't like how she was making herself comfortable in my room, but other things are on my mind so I'll let it slide this once.

"It will be fixed. If it isn't fixed, I'll disown my room."

"Does that me I can take it?" Sam smiled.

"Yeah, no."

She frowned and looked at her surroundings. My room was fairly simple. A king sized bed in the middle, paintings on the walls that matched left and right. A desk opposite my bed, two dressers on either side and a window above my bed. Walls white and a carpet floor. I don't know how Patty managed to break it on a carpet floor, but I'd say anything is possible with that girl.

"I wouldn't want this room anyway. It smells too much of you." Sam sighed, tapping a beat on the floor. I didn't realise she had smelt me. That's a little odd, but I guess living with each other we're bound to get used to the scents around us. I shouldn't be thinking about this! I need to concentrate on fixing this vase!

If she comes back and sees it in this mess, she's going to be heart broken! Not only that but the thought of my room being so...so...asymmetrical.

I growl in frustration not being able to join up the right pieces and throw it into the pile of shards.

"Finally giving up?" Connor asks.

"It can't be fixed. If I use glue the lines of the cracks will be seen."

"So?" Sam sits up.

"It'll make the two be out of line. They won't be identical."

"Buy a new one."

"There's only two of this exact kind in the world. I own those two."

She huffed and looked around for more ridiculous ideas.

"Well then, smash the other and fix that one too." was the next one. She can't be serious.

"Don't you understand? Breaking one is bad enough, to break two would be crossing the line!"

Sam raises her hand up in defense. Connor stands up and pulls Sam with him. "Well, have fun sulking in your pile of smashed ruins," the maroon haired girl commented as she was dragged with Connor out of the room. I sighed running a hand through my hair, then fixing it up making sure my bangs had even strands.

I can't remove anything. I need to leave the pieces here in my room so that way I know they'll all be together.

Where is that piece Samantha threw before? 

Ahh here it is. Just below the other vase. This is the piece with 'forever' carved into it. The most important piece. I can't lose that. That message is as dear to me as symmetry itself.


Maybe they're equal.

Hopefully there's someone who can professionally fix it in Death city, who can make the cracks invisible, or barely noticeable at all.  

Highly unlikely but I must try everything to get it fixed. 

It was midnight and I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. I can't sleep. Being in the same room as the disaster has kept my mind active. My room feels trashed. Destroyed. The vases are the 'star attraction' of my room, and now one's broken. I don't feel complete. My room is messy. It's asymmetrical thanks to the fall the vase had.

I must be a complete fool to be worried over a vase. Some might say that. But imagine your mother is out and tells you not to burn the house down. Then you do. Can you imagine the amount of trouble you'd get into?

And then after that before she gets home, you go through the dread and the sick feeling. Wondering what's going to happen and how your mother is going to react.

That's how I feel right now. Except ten times worse, cause the lack of symmetry in my own room is making me feel ill.

I can't stay in my room for tonight. 

I turn on the lights and bunch my blankets and pillows into my arms. It feels like I'm hugging a giant marshmallow if I'm honest.

Tripping once or twice out of my door and into the hall, alerting everyone in the house while I'm at it, I shuffle down the stairs and set everything down onto the couch.

"Um, what are you doing?" Liz asks yawning and rubbing her eyes. She was dressed in her red and white striped pajamas. Patty was beside her in an identical outfit. Connor and Sam soon join the gathering while I'm making my temporary bed, making sure it's nice and neat.

"I can't stand the thought of my room being asymmetrical and it's driven me out." I answer.

"Just remove the damn thing then," Sam scoffed. I glared at her and shook my head no. As if I'd do that. It's place is in my room, and nowhere else. It will stay there for as long as I live in Gallows Manor.

She looked away and I began fluffing my pillow.

"How long will you be staying out here?" Connor asked. As usual, he was the more sensible one out of the two."

"For as long as my room is trashed."

"Looked pretty clean to me," Sam mumbled. I paid no attention to her and slipped myself under my black covers. The couch cushions were a little rough on the back but I'm sure i'll be able to tolerate it for a while. 

"Goodnight, all," I said to the four of them that just stood there staring at me. Liz sighed and ushered Patty back into their room where as Connor and Sam stood still, staring at me.

"You have got to be the most pathetic person I've ever met." she said.

"Thank you,"  I replied, rolling onto my side facing away from them. "If I need anything from my bedroom, I'll be asking all of you to assist." 

I heard Sam groan and Connor grunt but none of them protested to my request. They left with Sam's complaints and Connor telling her "It's alright. He's insane, remember?"

I don't think I'm insane. I think they're insane for not seeing just how serious this situation is!

I close my eyes and take a small breath in then exhaling. I toss and turn, but sleep somehow escapes me.

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