Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi, I'm glad you have decided to read this story. There's a good chance you might think this story is kinda shitty and the characters are a little weird/annoying when you read the first few chapters but it will get better. I started writing this story about in 2013 so please give it a chance, you might find that the story improves the longer you read and that some of the characters improve and become less douchey because what would be a story without characters improving and becoming better?


I flinched when a raindrop hit my head as I got out of the taxi. I looked up, blinking a few times. Sure, as soon as I got here it needed to start raining. Didn't feel like a good sign for someone who had just moved to another town. Glancing up at the clouded grey sky one more time, I turned around, walking to the rear of the parked car.

Of course I also had the luck to catch the laziest driver. The slightly grumpy guy that hadn't said a word throughout the whole drive sat in the front, intently listening to a song that came on the radio, oblivious to my rather small figure, trying to heave the two big suitcases out of the luggage compartment. As soon as I had closed the lid and taken a step backwards, I heard the car being started and having already paid for the drive, it took off at once.

I was left on the sidewalk with two heavy suitcases, standing in the rain – which of course instantly started getting heavier – not sure how to get them into my new flat. Speaking of which, I turned around to muster the house in front of which I was located. It was looking rather nicely, being one of the white townhouses I had always had a liking for.

I had never been in the apartment before, but from the photos I had seen I knew that it was rather small. It was already furnished and had seemed very comfortable despite its size.

I was curious what I would find upstairs. I had heard stories of people renting flats they had never viewed and the places turning out to be absolute dumpholes, but I hoped that this would not be the case for me. For now I first of all had to get my luggage up there into the first floor, though, and doing so without the help of an elevator.

Pulling the hood of my thin sweatshirt up, I huffed. I was here for about five minutes now and I already felt out of my depth. Maybe I really was too young to move to another town on my own. But after all I had had reasons to do it.


Two days later I had arranged the flat – that luckily indeed looked like its pictures – to feel a little bit more personal by unpacking my stuff and positioning small things that I had brought with me here and there. It still felt alien to me but not as much as when I had first put a foot through the door.

It was also the first day of work. Before moving here my parents and I had looked for a job that I could do for a start before finding a better one later on. Since there was a Starbucks quite close to my place I had decided to work as a barista there. Quite clichè but it was one of the only ones I had found that did not require any specific knowledge and that I could get via a Skype job interview. And after all, I really needed the money.

I showered and dried my long dark hair, trying to smooth it so it wouldn't be a messy sea of waves like it normally was. I got dressed, wearing black jeans and a black turtleneck sweater, expecting to be handed my working clothes as soon as I got to Starbucks. I slipped on my favourite sneakers and left the flat with my most important belongings stuffed into a simple bag.

It took me five minutes to walk over to the Starbucks I would be working in. The shop was quite small, its interior consisting of about five tables with black simple chairs apart from one table that was surrounded by two brown leather armchairs.

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