[Dreamless] Chapter 14 - The Seer

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Ominous Remembrance

[Jeff The Killer Fanfic/ Romance]

Chapter 14 : The Seer

"Hi mum," I greeted blandly. As usual, my voice always comes out flat and monotonous. I'm not sure if I should be happy that my mother arrived home earlier than usual, but her arrival was a perfect destroyer to the obvious atmosphere. In a normal basis, I should be thinking that this won't be a problem because I was deemed not to feel a single thing, but at that moment, I'm confused.

I don't know which was currently faulty-my rational thinking or my limbic system. This was getting pretty inconvenient now, and I don't know if I'll still have the motivation to welcome it or not. The mere perplexity itself was bringing discomfort.

"Twinkie, is this narcissistic neanderthal trying to woo you into kissing him?"

What... "Er...no," I instantly muttered. I never took off my eyes away from my mother's passive visage. She was holding an apple firmly on those two gloved hands of hers, consistently poking a slim, stainless steel object on the crisp surface. She stared at me disapprovingly, the way she always did whenever I'm messing up with her laundry.

Nothing actually changed...except for the fact that her left cheek was splattered with blood.

Streaks of red adorned the faint powdery blush that was applied on her fair cheeks, perhaps a moment ago. My mum used to say that I somehow look like her when she was younger...except for the angle that I sometimes look like a boy with a girl's face. I was starting to wonder if I would look like her in the future...if I managed to gain my emotions back. On an odd way, the smudges of crimson liquid seemed to complement her warm claret eye shadow. Her natural brown hair that resembled mine was pulled back into a messy, wavy ponytail that exposed her cheekbones, and the well trimmed line of her eyebrows.

Wait. Why is my Mum all dressed up for a Halloween party? I stared at her hands... her dainty fingers slick with blood and covered with creamy white sterilized gloves. "Eww, mum. Don't tell me you're not yet taking your gloves off after you operated on a patient." On an actual fact, I didn't feel any twinge of disgust.

Still, I'm not gonna eat that morbid apple if she offered it.

She rolled her eyes at me, and was about to say something else when a malicious masculine chuckle came from Jeff, who seemed to be amused in watching the whole encounter. I blinked my eyes on him, and he shook his head. "Well...well. Speaking of the seer. We met again, Maria Addams."

The way her gaze went cold on him was like seeing another stranger inside the house. That pale face of hers remained gentle, but her eyes were impassively sharp. Her frilled, powdery red dress poked out of her pure white clinical coat that was also splashed with red, adding to the sudden sinister look.


I knew it! Jeff's madness was contagious! What will be the next?

"It's been a while, runt," Mum faintly acknowledged, stabbing the apple unconsciously with a smile that lit up her face dreamily, a huge contrast to her seemingly frigid voice . If I had not mistaken, I saw a soft flash of silver. A blade? My mum is stabbing an apple with a surgical blade? "Doesn't matter to me if you're begging for attention, but I find it unacceptable for you to harass my girl," she mused loudly.

“Oh, is talking about your beloved ‘husband’ considered to be harassment already?” Jeff smirked at her, as if there’s some kind of secret that was needed to be told. “How long will you keep on denying? You’re a pathetic excuse for a mother.”

My gaze snapped back to the murderer’s direction. Although it’s not surprising to hear him say harsh words out loud, a current of shock rolled inside me. I don’t know what caused it—him saying those words to my mum who doesn’t tolerate insults and bullies, or the denial part? “Dude,” I started, holding a hand up. “Don’t provoke—

Ominous Remembrance: Dreamless | Dreamer | [Jeff The Killer Fanfic/ Romance]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon