[Dreamless] Chapter 12 - Chaotic Parties

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Ominous Remembrance

[Jeff The Killer Fanfic/ Romance]

Chapter 12:  Chaotic Parties

I blinked. I have a tiny gut feeling that this won't be good. Even though I'm blunt and usually devoid of feelings, I can feel the instantaneous tension creeping up at Jeff's arrival. 

Why does he have to come when Slendy is telling me more about the most intriguing parts? Why does he had to interrupt? Can't he feel that for the first time, somebody finally managed to spark up my curiosity? 

And what is he doing inside that labyrinth--no, what is he doing here?

Don't tell me that he's also invited in Aunt Marie's wedding..?

I slowly held up a hand. "Yo," I greeted blandly. 

Jeff flashed me a sharp glare. If his looks can kill, I'm already gutted on the floor, good as dead. "You," he addressed me, clutching his knife.

I just scratched my head in response. "Me?"

 "I didn't come all the way here to see you bitching around with some...son of a ---"

"I'm not 'bitching' here. I'm talking to him." A part of me was somehow relieved that there are no other people present in the fountain, because I don't want screaming visitors to be in my problems. I glanced back at the Slenderman, then back at Jeff. 

"About what?" he demanded. 

"It's none of your business, child. Go back to where you came."

The way the faceless man speaks seemed to give me the chills. His baritone was cold and commanding. The rising nostalgic feel was more like looking at an ancient artifact in a museum, except for the fact that I was hearing his words inside my head. Jeff clenched his fists, and if not for the bleached complexion of his face, he must be flushed up in full anger.

"Not when you're stealing something that is mine." Why is he even angry? A lot of times I can't understand him, his wild mood swings were kind of...exhausting to witness.

"Ah...something that was never yours to possess in the first place."

Without a warning, he charged at the faceless guy, and in my vision, he was seemingly an inhumanely fast blur of white against the dim light emitted from the moon that was looming overhead. The blade on his hand glimmered wickedly in the light, the deliverance of sure death was now impending in front of my very eyes.

But  before it reaches its target, the Slenderman faded...literally faded into the shadows like a ghost. It was not surprising, but I found myself actually awestruck at such display, and currently, my mind was doing a tiny debate if I should actually stop these two, or keep on watching, making bets to double the fun.

It's like I was watching a realistic movie, where two villains meet. Although the scene, along with the huge fountain didn't fit into the scene, the way the Slenderman warped his way into the darkness, and how Jeff mercilessly slashed on the nearly substantial shadows, but in futile attempts of wounding his prey.

Wait. Why are they fighting anyway? This 'something' had actually sparked this rivalry, and watching them was breathtaking.

If anybody sees me, I'm not sure if I would like the thought of giving explanations of being a referee between two creepy people. 

I rubbed my eyes. "Stop. Stop this, will you?"

None of them paid me the slightest attention. Jeff, with his fiendish manner of attacking and dodging the unrelenting assaults from the dark tendrils that were hanging from the faceless man's back...well at that moment I suddenly appreciated this beauty that he was repeatedly explaining, or insisting to me.

Ominous Remembrance: Dreamless | Dreamer | [Jeff The Killer Fanfic/ Romance]Where stories live. Discover now