[Dreamless] Chapter 9 - In a new Household

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Ominous Remembrance

[Jeff The Killer Fanfic/ Romance]

Chapter 9 : In a new Household


The deep voice was certainly his. Underneath him, nearly strangled was a young woman in her early twenties, her wild brown eyes fixed on me pleadingly. Her eyes widened even more when she saw me holding a baby.

Her baby.


If she dies, who will take care of the poor child?

"What are you doing here!?" Jeff nearly shouted at me, causing the woman underneath him to tremble in sheer terror. The baby on my arms started crying again, and bouncing her against me took a huge effort.

"Jeff, you can't kill that woman," I managed, rocking the tiny bundle on my arms.

He flashed me one of his supposedly terrifying glares, as if daring me to do something. Slowly, he slid the knife on the woman's shoulder, making her scream in both pain and panic, her struggling only making everything worse. He was still grinning at me manically. "You're not going to tell me what to do."

"At least, listen to me," I said slowly, making my way towards him. The baby on my arms is distracting.

"Don't come any closer."

I sighed. "Jeff, let's just go home."

I was just about to pull him away from what he was doing when he suddenly sprang on me with his nearly inhuman speed, pinning me quickly against the wall. The tip of his knife was poised lethally on my throat, our faces barely an inch in distance from each other. "How about this Lou..?" he asked me, laughing insanely. It never sounded like him at all when he was with me. This time...he sounded mechanical. Like some kind of drunk killing machine. "No physical harassment in your household? How about...in somebody else's?"

Perhaps I'm screwed. I just stared at him. "Can you do it?" 

"Are you daring me to?" he asked, pushing the knife closer against my skin. 

For a while, I was silent. Is this it? I'm going to die in someone else's house?

And is he actually giving me an option to dare him into killing me, or I had just mistaken?

"Yes." I said blankly. I glanced to the young mother who was sobbing, and immediately backed against the hallway's wall. "Do whatever you want to do with me. But don't kill that woman, or hurt this baby." Slowly, I unravelled the tiny bundle on my arms, showing it to the murderer who was about to deliver my death on the spot. "Can you afford the thought of letting an innocent baby die because of your thoughtless killing?"

He pressed himself closer, and laughed faintly, his feeble laughter vibrating through my very core. "How pathetic. You're using a baby as an excuse? She'll eventually end up somewhere...where she really belongs. When she's old enough...witnessed enough of this damnable world of yours, I'll save her from it," he whispered. "You made a terrible mistake of coming here."

"I know," I agreed. Really, I was supposed to be staying at home. "But I doubt if you'll be able to bear the thought of this kid dying by her own."

The tip of his sharpened blade pierced my throat shallowly, and I can feel the slight, pin-prick pain that followed. "You know nothing about what causes me to feel guilt. Don't act like you know a single fucking thing about me."

Bingo. "I didn't say anything about the concept of guilt, Jeff. Guilt and haunting thoughts are two different things. And yes, I know a few things about you." I muttered gently. I saw the slight shock and the recognition of his mistake on those wild, shrunken eyes. Without waiting for his reply, I settled my hand on his--the one that was grasping the hilt of his knife. "Let's just fix this mess, and we'll go home."

Ominous Remembrance: Dreamless | Dreamer | [Jeff The Killer Fanfic/ Romance]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora