Chapter 40: The End

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Sabrina's POV

As we head to the beach, I look out of the fast moving car as the scenery changes every single second.

"We're here!" I hear.

Everyone gets out and I jump from the rim of the car. We swing around our duffel bags.

"Anyone want any drinks? There's a little snack shack right over there!" Rowan's mom asks.

"Nah. I'm fine." I politely decline.

"It's fine. I'm not that thirsty. And I brought my waterbottle." Bradley reasons.

"I'll have one!" Rowan says.

"Well, if she's going, I am too." Peyton says, kissing the forehead of a red-faced Rowan.

I dump my duffel bag on the rough sand as I unbutton my white beach cover up and take it off, leaving it behind in the sand to reveal my light pink one piece swimming suit.

I run in the water and twirl around, having the time of my life and getting dizzy. I decide that this scenery is an Instagram-worthy picture, so I beckon Bradley, the closest person I could find, over.

"Yeah?" Bradley asks after I call him.

"Would you mind taking a picture of me here?" I ask, hopeful that he'll say yes. 'Cause Mama wants me some likes.

"Sure." He agrees, grinning from ear to ear. He heads over to where I dropped my pink Nike duffel bag, and crouches down to rummage through it.

"Don't look through my bag!" I yell ten feet away.

He stands up again, looking guilty.

"LET HIM!" Peyton and Rowan yell across on the snack shack, followed by a fit of laughs and giggles.(A/N: WHAT UP GMW REFERNCE! HAHA iiSUPERWOMANii!!)

I quietly chuckle and roll my eyes.

"Fine. Whatever." I surrender, laughing.

He shrugs silently laughing and rummages through my bag until he stands back up with my phone in his hands a few seconds later.

"Here ya go." He says, half happily and half emotionless.

"Thanks." I thank, chuckling in my head.

I press the camera icon and hand it to him again.

"Here." I say, handing him the phone again.

He takes it and walks backwards to where my duffel bag is, and presses a button.

"Now can you take a time lapse video of me flipping my hair?" I ask. "Sorry if I'm asking for too much." I apologize, laughing.

"No, it's fine." He clicks a few buttons and yells "GO!" while I flip my hair like a boss.

"Done." He states, walking over and gesturing the phone towards me.

I replay the video and clap. "Thanks!"

I decide to put my phone back, so I run to my duffel bag and safely tuck it under my extra clothes, and zipping it tightly.

I run back and go deeper into the water when I turn around and all I see is a giant wall of water hurling towards me. It's a wave. (THE 5TH WAVE. lol kidding this is an A/N) I try to run away from the wave, but the water pulls me in and trips me. I get pulled in, and the water rushes over my head. I feel light-headed, and I can feel the blood rushing through my veins, from and to my heart. My heart beats quicken, and I close my eyes, and let my body drift off. I stop trying to control anything.

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