Chapter 35: Camping

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Sabrina POV

I pop two slices of white bread into my light pink and silver toaster, and I pass the time by walking around the kitchen table over and over and over and ov-


I grab my newly toasted bread out of the toaster and grab a blue plate. I place the bread on the plate and grab some Philadelphia cream cheese out of the fridge. I grab a knife and quickly spread the cream cheese all over the two slices. I smash the slices together and chomp the sandwich up.

And once I'm done, I run upstairs and go to my room. I close the door tightly and snuggle into my warm bed. I grab my phone from my bedside table and check all my social media. After about half an hour, I grab my underwear, towel, phone and bathrobe, and head into my bathroom. Then I grab my speakers, plug my phone in, and press my playlist and put it on shuffle. Then I step into the shower.

The song "Here" comes on by Alessia Cara, and I sing along.

(I guess right now you've got the last laugh)
I'm sorry, if I seem uninterested
Or I'm not listenin' or I'm indifferent
Truly, I ain't got no business here
But since my friends are here I just came to kick it

"But really I would rather be at home all by myself not in this room with people who don't even care about my well being. I don't dance, don't ask. I don't need a boyfriend."

When I sing that part, I can't help but think about Bradley. Man, I need to forget about him. But we're best friends and we've known each other our whole lives! I can't forget about him.

I tune out the music and squirt a blob of coconut shampoo about the size of a macaroon and I lather it on all my hair on the left side of my head, then I repeat with the right side. I let all the little droplets of water fall on my body, then I apply my soap all over my body. I run my hands through my hair to rinse out all the shampoo.

Then I step out of the shower, and dry myself. I go to my room and choose a red and black plaid button up long sleeve with blue ripped jeans. Then I do my makeup. I put on some mascara, lip gloss, and an eyebrow filler. I was planning on going to the mall today. I grab my wallet and head down the stairs when I hear a voice.

"Sabrna! Can I speak to you for a second?" My mom calls from the other room.

"Sure!" I yell back, going back up the stairs and into her room.

"You called?" I say, leaning on the doorframe.

"Yes, well, in a few days, we're having a surprise trip. My 3 best friends and I planned it, and you're coming!" My mom says, excitedly.

"Where are we going?" I ask, excitedly and nervously.

"You're going camping with Bradley, Peyton, and Rowan with your mom!" My mom exclaims, doing jazz hands.

My jaw drops and my eyes widen as big as saucers.


Bradley POV

"You're going camping with Sabrina, Peyton, and Rowan!" My mom practically shouts, clapping her hands.

Oh. My. Gosh.

Since the past few days, I've gotten way better. I'm actually being released from the hospital today! I'm going to the mall to celebrate. Anyways, back to the story.

"Oh. That's great!" I say, trying to act happy.

"Oo! I knew you'd like it!" My mom says, pulling me into a tight hug.

She releases me and she looks so happy.

"So um- when are we going?" I ask.

"Actually, we leave in two days!" My mom exclaims. "What a great surprise, right?"

"WHAT?!" I yell, attracting nurses and doctors leading them to give me a weird look.

"Sorry!" I apologize.

"Are you not happy about the trip? What's wrong?" She asks, concerned.

"Uh, no! I just need time to pack." I lie.

Gosh, if I were Pinocchio, how long would my nose be right now?

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to pack. We're staying for 3 days, so you won't pack too much." My mom explains.

"Oh OK, great." I say, faking my best joyful voice.

A nurse gently comes into the room.

"Mr. Perry I just wanted to let you know you are released." The nurse informs

"Oh thanks, Miss... Rodriguez?" My mom says, reading her name off her nametag.

"Yep. That's right. Well, enjoy your day!" The nurse says, walking out of the room.

I slowly get up and land on my feet.

"Enjoy your time at the mall, Bradley!" My mom says, trailing behind me.

"Thanks, mom!" I say, walking towards the mall.

She gets in the car, and I quickly jog to the mall, which is only across the street from the mall.

When I get there, I get a hot chocolate at Starbucks. When I see the petite blonde. It's Sabrina. She sees me, so she walks over and smiles.

'Hey! Did your mom tell you the mews?" She asks.

'Yeah." I say, trying not to sound sad.

"Text you?"


She walks away and I scratch the back of my neck.

What happened to us? We barely even talk anymore. I wish we never dated. It ruined everything.

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