Chapter 18: Re-Matchmaking

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Bradley POV

Today is the day that we get Max and Lauren back together. This is our plan.

1. We text both of our exes that we want to meet them in the park to get back together, but not really.

2. We set up a lovely picnic with Christmas lights, candles and roses.

3. We hide behind bushes when they come.

4. Sit back and let the re-matchmaking happen.

So, we got Peyton and Rowan to cook, I'll will set up the lights. And Sabrina will get the picnic basket and blanket.

But before that, of course, we text Max and Lauren about getting back together.

Me: Hey babe, been thinking about your request to get back together, sure, I miss and love you so much.

I shudder.

Lauren: KK bae, let's have a date.

Me: Pick you up at 5:00, bye BABE.

Lauren: BYE BAEE

That was the hardest and most annoying thing I've EVER had to do. Honestly, I don't know why I liked her. I watch Sabrina as she texts Max.

Sabrina: Hey Babe.

Sabrina gags, but keeps texting.

Sabrina: I've been thinking about getting back together. Let's do it.

Max: Sure.

Sabrina: Meet me at the park at 5:00.

Max: Sure.

She puts her phone down.


"Okay, PLEASE calm your tacos, Sabrina." I say. (A/N: HAHA inspired by one of my BFFS, Maya)

She takes a deep breath.

"I super duper power scooper pinkie promise I won't do that EVER again.

"Ok, good. But you still look cute when you're angry." I say.

"Stop making me blush, Bradley!" She says while tackling me.

"I can't help it, you're so beautiful and perfect." I reply.

She stops tackling me and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"Thanks. Same to you." She says.

"Ok, let's get back to business. We're supposed to meet Rowan and Peyton at Peyton's house in... 5 minutes!?" I say, surprised.

"LET'S GO!!" Sabrina says.

We run down the stairs of Sabrina's house and get in my car. I drive as fast as I can, while still obeying the speed limit.

"Wow, there's BARELY ANY traffic today!" Sabrina says.

"Yeah, we'll probably be there in about 3 minutes." I reply.

Sabrina takes out a notebook and a pencil and starts writing something.

"What are you doing?" I ask, suspiciously.

"Um............ Nothing.................... " She says.

"Sabrina. I've known you my entire life. When you lie, you hold the last syllable of the word extra long, and you move your head and eyes A LOT!" I say, honestly.

"Ok, I'll tell you. In 1 week!" She says.

"Why ONE WEEK!?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." She says, mysteriously.

We pull up to Peyton's house.

"Ooooooooooo..." She says, in a ghost voice, wiggling her fingers.

"You are so weird. That's what I love about you." I say.

She laughs.

We go into Peyton's house.

"Sorry we're late-" I start.

I see Peyton and Rowan making out on the couch.

"Am I interrupting anything?" I say.

Sabrina looks horrified.

"Um... no... So we'll start on the food." Rowan says, while quickly running into the kitchen.

"Um.. yeah. I'm gonna follow her." Peyton says, while following Rowan like a lost puppy.

"Ok, then... Let's just go to Michael's."


Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! YAY! An update! Please leave your suggestions for titles in the comments! I will dedicate a chapter to you! Ok, so here's the deal. If I get AT LEAST 5-10 suggestions, I'll dedicate a chapter to you all, and I'll give you all a sneak peek of the sequel: SOON TO BE NAMED! And I will re-write one of my diary entries for YOU GUYS. So if you're intrigued, PLEASE COMMENT DOWN ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR TITLES. And FYI BRABRINA isn't ending. It only has like 18 chapters. I'll stop at 35. Then I'll make a sequel. Also, leave your suggestions for the next book title!!!




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