Chapter 36: Road Trip

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Bradley POV

"That's the last of 'em!" My dad's voice rumbles followed by the noise of the car trunk being shut. I sigh and wait on the porch.

"Bradley, dear. Come over here." My mom says, sweetly.

I rush over, and all the parents and kids are there. Including Sabrina.

"So, here are the plans..." I tune out and look up at Sabrina. She looks up, blushes and looks at her feet.

"Got that everyone?" My dad asks.

"Yup!" Everyone yells cheerfully.

"Y-yeah!" I yell one second after, stuttering.

Everyone laughs and gets into the two cars. Peyton and Rowan and their parents went in the other car, so I assumed I'd be in the other car with Sabrina and our parents. I get inside and shut the door gently.

"You all excited and ready for camping?" My dad asks.

"Yeah!" My mom says but realized she's the only one who's excited.

Meanwhile me and Sabrina look at each other and roll our eyes.

"Let's go!" My dad yells. We start the car and head off with Peyton and Rowan trailing closely behind.

"Sooooo..." I say to Sabrina.

She smiles and looks at me.

"Did you get better?" She asks.

"Yeah. I did." I reply.

The rest of the car ride was awkward, especially when we accidentally placed our hands on the seat at the same time.

Finally, we get there. There's 2 tents and 1 cabin. With 4 logs all around a small bonfire perfect for roasting marshmallows. The view was amazing, so I take a picture with my phone. Suddenly, I feel a head on my shoulder.

"You enjoying the view?"

"Yeah. How about you?"

"It's beautiful." Sabrina says.

"Just like you." I think to myself.

"Thanks." Sabrina says, blushing and looking down.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She says, laughing.

"Well, let's get going. The parents are all going to go in the cabin, and we're in the tents. We have to set up our own, and since there's only two, you're bunking with me. Rowan with Peyton." She explains.

"Oh, I see. Let's go!" I say, grabbing her hand and dragging her over to the main camp area.

Sabrina POV

"Oh! I see! So you have to wrap the rope around 2 times around the nail, then double knot it and hammer the nail into the grass." I explain.

"OK. I just did that! It's not working! Well, actually, I see what's wrong here..." Bradley says, bending down to fix it.

"And there you have it!" Bradley says enthusiastically.

He looks so proud, only to have the tent deflate.

"Oh crud." He says miserably.

"Here, let me help you." I say, walking over.

"So, here's what you do. Stretch out the poles and attach the rope, then wrap, and knot. Hammer it, and voila!" I explain.

"Like this?" Bradley asks, lowering his hands, touching mine.

I look up at his face and blush, and see that his face is as red as a tomato.

He slowly leans in, and I do too. He puts his hand on my cheek. Our lips connect and I feel fireworks. I missed this. We separate and I snap out of my fairytale.

"Yeah. You did it right." I say, still looking into his eyes.

"Thanks." He says, staring back at me, hand still touching mine.

"The tent is assembled, let's go take a hike." I suggest.

"That would be great." He replies, still staring.

I quickly put on my black and white Nike Roche runs. I grab my sweater and put it on. I grab my hat and put my hair into a low ponytail.

"Shall we?" I ask him.

"We shall." He says, linking arms.

Bradley POV

I kissed her. I did. I can't believe it. I agreed to go on this hike to take my mind off things. But that's not working. All I can see is her beautiful fragile face beside me.

She slides her hand to meet mine, and intertwines them. She holds my hand as we walk up the rocky hill.

"Hey. If you can't take climbing up, it's okay. I get that you were just injured." She says, sympathetically, suddenly stopping and looking me straight in the eye.

"No it's fine!" I assure her.

"Well, in that case, race you up the hill!" She says, taking off.

"Bring it on!" I reply, competitively.

I run through the rocks and mud until I trip on a large rock and fall on my knee.

Sabrina must've heard me or something because she came rushing to me.

"Brads! Are you okay?" She asks, concerned.

"Yeah, it just kinda hurts." I reply, wincing.

"Try standing up." She suggests.

I stand up only to find myself flat on my butt again.

"Here, put your arm around my neck, and I'll do the same." She instructs.

I do as told and stand up. It feels much better.

"Let's go down the hill. Good thing we didn't hike up too far!" She says.

We trudge down the hill, our arms around the other's neck.

"Look, I'm sorry. I wanted to lighten the mood. I didn't want things to be awkward just because of the kiss. I knew competitions always brightened your mood, and I didn't mean to hurt anyone." She explains, thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry, too. For kissing you. That didn't make things between us, much better, did it? It made things worse and must've confused the heck out of you." I say.

She laughs. "I accept your apology. We're at the bottom of the hill, so go in our tent and I'll explain what happened to your parents." She says.

"Can you walk without me?" She asks "Actually, I'll walk you to the tent then explain to your parents." She says.

She walks me over and lays me down.

"Stay there." She says.

I lay there while she gets my parents. A few minutes later, I hear the worried voices of my family and friends getting louder and closer.

"Are you okay Bradley?"

"Yeah, I just need to rest." I say.

"You go have that nap. We'll leave you alone." My mom says,

They leave, and soon I'm alone. I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes.


This was a suckish chapter! Anyways, if you read my A/N in my other book, Until You Came, you'd know what's going on. I worked hard on the first chapter, and I only got 1 view, which I'm pretty sure was me. So go check that out. I'm going to end this book at around Chapter 40, more or less. I'll make a sequel, but maybe after I finish Until You Came, and I'll make a sequel for that after the sequel for this. OK! So Happy Belated Valentine's Day, and sorry f no updating in a while!



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