Don't Say It If You Don't Mean It

Start from the beginning

"Iqra! Let me go!"
"Not until you tell me!"
"I can't breathe!"
I rolled over and grabbed her hand so she couldn't run away. "Tell me."


"Tell me Zeenath!" I pouted. "What? You're not gonna tell me? I bet it was that guy, right?"
"What guy?" She snorted, turning red.

"Durr...wait. Danny?"

She laughed.

"No wait! Damian! Damian gave it to ya, didn't he?" I grinned, waiting for her to say no.

She was quiet.

"Eh? I'm right? Buaha! I'm right!" I let go of her hand and laughed. "Zeenath and Damian sitting in a--Urk! Mmmhm Phmm!" I struggled to get her hand off me.

"Shh! You can't yell it, Iqra!" Her eyes were big, pleading. I frowned.

"No. You have to calm down first."
I nodded.



"Fine, fine." She let go and I gasped for air.

"You almost killed me!"
She rolled her eyes. "Stop being so dramatic."

"...with curiosity."

"Ha. Ha."

I pursed my lips and smiled at her. "My little Zeenath, all growed up." I pretended to wipe a tear away and she knocked my hand away, bopping my head.

"Ouch. This is why I'm so short. Everyone keeps hitting me on the head."

She just wrinkled her nose at me, puffing out her cheeks. "Don't go around telling people. They'll freak."

I stared at her. "My, how the tables have turned."

"Oh shut up. Promise?"

I nodded. "Sure thing."

"...You didn't say promise."

"Darn it. Fine. I promise. Happy?"

She nodded and hid her face. "Urgh."


Mom called us from downstairs and I poked Zeenath. "Clean yourself up, missy. And hide the ring. Mom'll notice it in less than a second."

Zeenath got up and combed her fingers through her hair while I glanced in the mirror. My hair was sticking up like a unicorn horn. Ah well. I'm a unicorn now.

"Haha, it's cute though."
I frowned. "Not again."

Zeenath winked at me. "You think outloud too much. But it's cute."
"It ain't cute. One of these days, I'll get killed because I'll reveal my secrets to the enemy and they'll shoot me, out of pure hatred."

"...Do you think you're still going to become a spy when you're older?"

I felt my cheeks flame up and pouted.

"Mom's calling us for dinner."

She just laughed.

Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs, which I slurped, just to piss Zeenath off. Then she left and I made my way back to my room, flopping back down on my unmade bed. What was the point of making your bed. It'll just get messed up anyway.

My phone pinged. Prolly that joker again. I rolled over.


What do you want.

Gosh. I just said hi. Fine, be that way.

I felt a bit bad and shook my head. No, err..sorry. I think. I'm just cranky.

Did you just apologize?

I sighed. Are you still mad at me.

No. I wasn't mad at you in the first place. :)

You little conniving bum.

This is why I love you. You act mad at the world when you know you actually care.


You care about people, right?


..Iqra? Did you fall?
Take it back.

You don't just go around saying shit like that to people. Take it back.

What? Take what back?

God, stop being like that!

Iqra, what's wrong? What'd I say?

What kind of messed up person are you? I fricking hate you, you know that? I hate your guts and everything you don't stand for.


I would say "what you stand for" but you don't stand for much, do you? Why the hell do you think it's okay to do crap like this?

I threw the phone to the other side of the bed, where it bounced and fell off. It pinged and I peeked over the side of the bed to read it.

I'm not taking it back.

Well then. Screw you. 


A/N: Yes, Zeenath is engaged now. *rolls* If you want to read it, I might put up a chapter in All the Silent Things. Let me know, because I'm on the fence about doing it. There's no point if you aren't interested. :) 

What do you think about the chapter? I'd love to know. :) Are you with Iqra on this, or did Yousuf not do anything wrong? :) 

As always, please consider dropping a vote or comment to let me know what you think! Turn those grey stars gold! <3 See you Friday! 


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