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I don't know how I got home. Did I walk, dance or crawl? Because as I walk up the stairs of my flat, it's four in the afternoon. Three hours after our little meet-up. Three hours after I got Sherlock Holmes' phone number. Everything in my head is blurry. All I see are vague numbers and a winking Sherlock. He winked at me. He freaking winked. At me!

I can't believe how stupid I acted. I bet half the fandom would laugh at me because of the fool I made out of myself. I didn't even ask him for a picture. I met Sherlock Holmes, I have a camera on my phone and it didn't even cross my mind to ask him for a photo. It was one of the top things on my 'what to do when you meet him list.'

Oh what the hell am I going on about? I have his phone number.

From: John

To Sherlock: Now you have my number too. I want to apologize for my behaviour yet again. I'm usually nothing like that. I guess you just overwhelmed me. You are a good guy, Sherlock Holmes. You can throw that award of Villain of the year in the rubbish. Or no, I have a better idea; burn it! x

Why is texting Sherlock so much easier than talking to him with my mouth? Maybe it's the eyes or the curls or the smell. Oh that smell, so delicious. Usually Mary tells me to shut my mouth because I keep talking and talking but with Sherlock, I just couldn't find the right words to say.

From: Sherlock

To John: I'm happy to see that I haven't got calls or texts from anyone but you and my mother. Means you didn't gave my number away or put it on the Internet, so thank you. People tend to go all silent or screaming around me and I'm glad you were in the first category. I will not burn my award but maybe I'll give you the honors sometime. I have to be all popstar-y now, show rehearsals and such, forgot about that. Greg scolded at me for not being home when he was there to pick me up. He even bought me a calendar. Anyway... bye .xx

I plug my phone into the charger, deciding to leave Sherlock alone while he's being a sexy hunk of a superstar. I put the groceries in my fridge, not fancying in making myself some dinner anymore. I'll just order pizza or Thai or something.

I open Twitter on my laptop to see that I have loads of new messages and mentions. I hadn't been on since this morning and even though I am quite a popular account, I usually don't get this much messages. Wow, someone became popular.

There are a lot of messages asking if I'm okay and I wonder why until I see my own last tweet in public was two days ago. Oops. I was in my own –and Sherlock Holmes'- little world of butterflies and happiness and I kind of forgot about everything that didn't involve well, Sherlock. I quickly type out a message that I'm good, perfectly fine and thank them for their concern.


What would you guys do if you ran into your idol?

I hope I'm not giving much away because for some reason I don't want to share the fact that I met mine today. If I tell it to the world, everyone will have an opinion about it or will start to ask questions. It's my little secret you know?

I can't think of anything else to tweet and I don't feel like blogging since all I can think about is this afternoon and what a darling Sherlock was even though I was nothing but an awkward chicken. Obviously I'm not blogging about that so I get a drink and plop down on my sofa before turning the television on.

My phone buzzes from the counter and I hesitate to get up and see who it is and I'm about to decide against it because I'm very comfortable burried in the sofa cushions when figurative lightning strikes me because what if it's Sherlock?

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