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When I look next, Sherlock's tweet about love is love is deleted, I refresh the page but it doesn't come back. I can see my timeline goes crazy over it because rumor has it that Sherlock likes both girls and boys (YAY! ME) but isn't allowed to come out. Management is supposedly keeping him on a leash. I don't really know, my gaydar doesn't really go off when i see him but maybe it's just because I don't want to get my hopes up.

It's silly and I know it i, but when you think about it; if Sherlock really is into boys, there is a smaller crowd that wants to taste his D, so that means more chance for me. But if he's into both boys and girls, the competition is enormous.




@obv_IOU_sly me too darling, me too. It's unto Sherlock to row the boat.


@John_Watson Seriously, Jawn, no stealing my future husband okay? JUST KIDDING <3


@SherlockianatBakerStreet I ain't stealing nothing , I am a well raised boy #Sherlockismine

It's getting late and I'm getting tired. I need to be at work tomorrow morning but I can't quite say goodbye to my laptop. Tumblr seems to be gushing muts-read fanfictions and pictures of the sexiest band in the world being hotter than the super spicy sauce at Nando's. Twitter is just waking up; damn you Americans for waking up this late.

There are pictures and gifs everywhere from when people have caught 221B shooting their video and I can see Sherlock smiling like fuck. His smile is so bright that I feel like I'm about to turn in a puddle of melted John.

Previously in John's life...

Ha! i'm just kidding I'm not going to retell the story of dear sherlock tweeting and following me. He just did and that's what important. I want to thank you all guys for being so wonderful and supportive through out all the negative comments i'm getting. Some are just pathetic low-lives who think have a shot at my Sherlock and hate me for wanting the same. I say they smell the competititon.

What happened with Sherlock's tweet hmmm? Was that him supporting gay rights or was he secretly coming out? Anyway, the tweet is deleted and people are going crazy about it, what are your theories?

While you think about it strare at this precious picture of Mister I'm-too-sexy-for-the-world.

Shit! It's two o'clock in the morning and I have to be up in six hours. In only six hours and fifteen minutes Mary is going to call me because she knows how I am when I'm sleeping. I spend half of the time I should actually be sleeping on the Internet. She's a good friend for making sure I'm up in time for work, I have to give her that. She only needs to improve her knowledge on 221B and she'd be perfect.


DM @SHolmes_221B Damn! Your making me forget about time. I need to be up in a few hours but I keep staring at your pretty face. Goodnight! xxx

Yessss. let's blame it all on Sherlock Holmes. Oaky, maybe not everything but he's the cause of ninety nine percent of my personal problems. The civil war, he has nothing to do with that. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a World War III in a few years because countries can't agree on who loves Sherlock the most. Well, I'll fight for the whole United Kingdom and Ireland and I'll win it for us because we all know that I am unbeatable on that matter.

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