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Weekends. I love weekends. I don't have to work on weekends and I don't have loads of hobbies that require much of my time (being a 221 B fan not included). I don't have many activities to participate in and I don't have a lot of friends. Well, not in real life, on the Internet I am very socially active; I talk to thousands of people every day on my blog. So Mary shouldn't bug me on making more friends. I have friends, loads of them. Most of them are just not in my time zone.

I reach for my laptop on the ground without losing the warmth of my bed sheets, or at least I tried. Crawling on the floor with my hands, legs still in my bed, I reach out and grab for it but the bloody thing is heavier than I anticipated, so I end up collapsed first on the floor. I groan, getting out of my bed. I really wanted to urinate anyway. So now Is as good of time as ever.

After I peed myself, I climb back to bed and open my laptop inside my little cocoon of sheets and pillows. I let out a yawn as I log into my Twitter and scroll through my timeline. Same old, same old. People are thirsty for more followers and I scroll past that, not really interested that nonsense people seem to do all the time. I'm honestly just looking out for pictures and checking if the band tweeted and hey , is Sherlock online?


@SHolmes_221B It's 8:30 AM, are you already awake or still awake?! I love you xxxxx (sent 2 minutes ago)


@SHolmes_221B. I know you're here, you're tweeting other people. I don't ask for a tweet. I just ask for a follow. Or your D but it's your call. (sent a minute ago)


@SHolmes_221B I'm boy. Boys like you too. Follow meeee?! xxxx (sent 3 seconds ago)

With that, I minimize Twitter. Sherlock hadn't replied to someone in three minutes anyway so there's no point in stalking him some more. My stomach is begging me for breakfast but I'm torn between satisfying the needs of my hungry tummy and lazing around for a bit longer. My stomach always wins though because I can't concentrate on words when I'm hungry.

I step out of bed, this time managing not to hit my nose on the carpet and put on a hoodie. I may or may not own an I LOVE SHERLOCK HOLMES hoodie. Okay, so I do own one, but only because it's so warm and so comfy and the font is nice. You know, wearing a hoodie is like wearing a wearable hug and it's a bit more special because it has a Sherlock Holmes in it. So technically, it's like receiving a hug from Sherlock. But most importantly is has a I LOVE SHERLOCK HOLMES in it.

I decide on toast and jam instead of a bowl of cereals, because hey jams are good. I put on the bread on the toaster and open the cupboard for a jar of jam. When the toaster popped, I immediately placed the newly toasted bread on a saucer before spreading strawberry jam in it. I took one bite and a pleased sound leaves my mouth when I made the first bite of the toast, contently sighing as it slides down my throat. It's like an explosion of marshmallows and dancing leprechauns in my tummy. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, together with lunch, supper and snacks in between. I was in the middle of putting bread on the toaster when my phone suddenly buzzed.

I sighed, maybe it's just Mary asking me to join her on the park to play tennis to go jogging with her and that means I have to leave my previous laptop and go outside which is really not my division. I grab my phone and my eyes zoom in on the screen and right at that moment I choke on my heart. It wasn't Mary texting me. It's an insane amount of Twitter mentions.

I open the Twitter app to see what the hell is going on and see the loads of people congratulating me and claiming that I'm the luckiest person in the world at that moment. My heart speeds up at the amount of follows I just gained as I scroll down to see what I did to deserve this and why the hell they all think I'm the luckiest person in the wo-oh. OH!

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