Chapter 9

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(Please read AN at the end)

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Providence.


Everything was dull.

His eyes were dull, his surroundings were dull and his life was dull.

There was nothing left for him. Nothing left for him out there.... not even his body.

He stared blankly at the gray and dark ceiling as he was strapped, once again, to a metal table, wires were attached to him and god knows how many volts of electricity were passed through him. 

Danny's eyes widened at the sudden pain and his mouth opened as loud sharp sounds escaped his chapped lips.

He was used to this pain already. Having gone through this pain a lot of times without mercy from its inflictors, he was used it. In fact, as crazy as it sounded, he enjoyed it, waited for it with anticipation. The pain made him feel alive. It made him feel that his existence wasn't wiped out by those crazy scientists, yet.


He's starting to forget.

He didn't know what he was forgetting but he knew that there was something he was supposed to remember that he couldn't.

Every time he tried to, every time he thought about it he would just get a pounding headache so he always shrugs it off. Sometimes, though, when he's sitting in the small closed space called his room, when he feels that he's going insane, he allows his mind to drift to these thoughts, to drift to the gap in his mind.

Once, when he was thinking about it, Danny realized that he couldn't remember anything before he came here. He even reached the point where he doubted that he was ever out of this place but once he heard some of the Providence agents, that were standing guard in a room waiting for the scientists to come after strapping him to a chair, talking about what was outside the walls of this secret organization and a faint memory, which for some reason he knew it was real, of a dark, blue and vast space filled with a lot of shiny white dots flashed in his mind.

That memory made him believe that, once, he was outside those walls and that he was free. He held onto that memory every time he felt he was on the verge of breaking and kept reminding himself that, hopefully, one day he will be able to see that beautiful scene that kept him sane.

One day, when Danny was laying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling above him, the door opened and a man with a lab coat entered followed by two buff men. Danny didn't bother to look at the newcomers, not until he was suddenly punched in the gut by one of the buff men. He gasped in pain as he was forced into a sitting position.

"Now, now, don't go harsh on him, we need him well and able to speak to answer our questions," the doctor said, though by the look of his face, he clearly didn't care about what is to happen to him.

"Yes sir, sorry sir," the agent said with no remorse whatsoever.

"Anyways," the doctor said, turning to face Danny, "we will ask you a few simple questions and we will be grateful if you answer them without causing trouble."

Danny looked at him blankly, still recovering from the punch, before nodding slowly.

"Okay," the doctor started, turning a few papers in his hands and taking out a pen, "first of all, what is your name?"

Danny couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. Really, what kind of question is that.

"Daniel Fenton," came the confident reply.

"Good, good," the doctor wrote something before looking up at him again, "so, do you know why you are here Daniel?"

"Uhhh.... because of.... my ghost powers?" he never really got a straight answer to why he was kidnapped.

"Hmmm, you don't seem really sure of your answer. Okay, so what town did you come from?"

Danny was silent for a moment. He was sure he knew it. Why would he forget such a thing? He racked his brain for the answer.

After a few minutes, he answered, hesitantly, "A-a-amity p-park..."

The doctor nodded before jotting down some more notes on the papers in his hands.

"What are the names of your parents?"

Danny opened his mouth, ready to answer, but nothing came out of his mouth. He was confused and scared. Why didn't he know the answer? He was supposed to know it, right?

More than five minutes passed as he searched for their names in his memory, and just when the doctor was about to talk, he opened his mouth to speak, "J-jack and Madeline Fenton?" he answered, though it was more like a question.

The questions went on and on. It was then that Danny realized he really did forget. He really did forget important things he never thought his mind would fail to remember.

Later, that night, Danny curled into a small ball on his hard bed, if it was even called a bed, and cried. He cried for so long. He cried, for he had not only lost hope to escape but he had also lost and forgotten everything left that gave him reason to live and exist.


It had been almost six months since Danny went missing, and there were absolutely no clues about what happened to him and his whereabouts. The only thing they knew, by the mobile phone that they found in the abandoned parking lot, that he was attacked and then kidnapped, if not killed. 

After a month of the incident, the police told the Fentons to drop it as they had long since filed a missing person report.

His disappearance had a huge impact on his parents and friends, especially his mom.
She eventually gave up on ghost hunting when she realized that her obsession with these supernatural things never gave her a chance to get to know her son better. Or that it may have been the reason he was kidnapped in the beginning.

His friends and sister had also been depressed about it, though they certainly hadn't given up on looking for their friend/brother. They had considered about telling everyone who he really is, though they decided against it knowing that Danny probably wouldn't have liked it and that maybe they will tell them if worse comes to worst.

Yo my amazing readers,

Sorry for this EXTREMELY (khr reference) late chapter.

I have been planning on putting this story on hold as I had been infected by the accursed writing block a lot have come to know and hate. That, and I need to start writing the two other stories regarding the sequel I had mentioned in my author's not chapter.

Now the reason why I hadn't put this story on hold before writing this chapter (as I had a writing block before writing this chapter) is that I had gotten a lot of positive and amazing comments from my amazing and beloved readers, so I couldn't just simply post an author's note stating that this story will be on hold without a chapter.

P.S. This story might be on hold for more than a month or two.

P.S.S. Please don't give up on me and my story *makes puppy dog eyes*.

Now do me a favor like any amazing reader (not that you aren't amazing since you are reading this story) but please vote and comment...... and share this story (sharing is caring!!!).

Ja ne


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