Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Providence.

Danny flew expertly through the hallways of Providence. He dodged the bullets and laser beams coming his way from the providence agents that were trying to catch him.

Danny couldn't help the smile that made its way to his face as he remembered what happened to cause all this.


Danny was dragged once again to the training room. He didn't know how long he has been locked in providence but he knew that this was the tenth time or so he was brought to test his powers. He also knew that today was the day he would escape this wretched place.

In all the times he was taken from his room, he realized that the only times they had deactivated his collar was during training and testing his powers, agility and stamina. So he started paying more attention to his surroundings in the training room, to the machines, door and weak points on the wall and machines.

He had started training like usual, dodging a few things here and there, destroying a few robots designed to shoot ectoplasm and such. But suddenly, he froze the collar around his neck and broke it into two pieces before shooting several machines that were aiming at him in there weak spots, stopping them completely. Finally, he shot an ectoray at an electronic pad next to the door, causing it to malfunction and the door opened.

He then started flying out the door and through the hallways that he barely memorized.

Flashback end..

And here we are again, in the present, were Danny just took more turns and shot ectorays and ice beams at whatever stood in his way. He didn't know were he was going but he did know that he has to keep flying away from the guards and agents and that this place will eventually come to an end and that he will be once again flying freely in the sky.

Danny was brought out of his dreams when he was shot in the shoulder, which made him slow down a bit. He hissed in pain as he quickly glanced at the fresh wound before looking back in front of him.

Danny forgot about his wound when he reached what seemed like a hangar. He was ready to escape any minute and then scream in happiness but his hope soon turned into horror when he saw the large amount of providence agents assembled in front of the opening to the hangar and the different scary looking weapons they had. He looked behind him and saw that there were still some people chasing him and they were no less than twenty.

Danny felt his heart stop when they all started shooting. There were several nets that looked like the one that first got him in all of this mess, the one at the abandoned parking lot.

He looked ahead of him, telling himself not to lose hope and that he could do it. He picked up speed when he saw the huge opening of the hangar start to close.

"No, no, no, no," he mumbled.

Danny was screaming by the time he reached the almost closed gate and because he had to fly lower and was too engrossed in escaping he wasn't able to dodge the suddenly huge amount of ectoplasmic bullets and laser beams, and just as he was out of the opening and was about to scream in happiness, he screamed in pain as he was hit with several bullets.

Danny lost balance and fell to the ground. He tumbled down the paved yet sandy ground, groaning in pain. He tried to get up and fly away as fast as he can but he was hit with several more bullets and laser beams that made sure that he stayed on the ground, unmoving.

Danny cried in pain as he was suddenly yanked by his hair. He opened his eyes, that he closed when he first fell, and was face to face with a fierce looking man.

Where is Danny Phantom?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon