"At least loosen the ropes a bit. They are hurting me," I pleaded. I internally shuddered upon hearing my voice. It was raspy by all the screaming and sounded defeated.

I heard a sigh then felt the ropes loosen up. Oh, how great that felt.

"Wait 'til my father hears about this!" I threatened.

Just when I thought my threat didn't convey its seriousness and I opened my mouth to reiterate. He started laughing.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting.

"Did you just quote Harry Potter?" he asked in between laughs.

Did I?

Well, it wasn't really intentional.

"Technically, it's Draco Malfoy," I remarked.

He didn't stop laughing.

Then I realized something which made my blood boil. I clenched my fists.

How did I not realize this before?!

There were small clues everywhere. The text message, this abandoned place, the altered voice. Normally people don't lure people through text messages to kidnap them.

"I will murder you," I gritted lowly, my fist clenching harder.

His laughter died down as he realized his slip up.

He coughed and cleared his throat.

I took a deep breath to calm myself before I do something that is illegal. For instance, brutally murdering someone.

"Take off this blindfold," I commanded.

He didn't do anything.

"Take it off!" I yelled.

"Jeez! Stop screaming," he said then took it off.

I glared at him.

"How dare you?" I demanded menacingly.

Oh how much I wanna slap that smirk off his face.

"You ruined all the fun. I had so many things in store for this," he said faking disappointment.

"You think this is funny?" I spat.

"You don't?"

"Untie me and I will tell you," I said shooting him a murderous look.

I sensed him tense up a bit. My murderous look was working. That's good. Let me get free of these ropes then I will show you hell.

"No?" he said it like it was a question.

I laughed humorlessly.

"I am saying this last time. Untie me Asher or else I won't think twice before shoving burning coal down your throat," I gritted.

He stood there for a while before he sighed in a defeated manner and came to untie me. He first undid the ropes that were holding my upper body to the chair. As he finished doing that I took a deep breath and jiggled. That damn thing was constricting my chest.

Her then kneeled in front of me to untie my legs. As soon as they were loose enough I swung a kick at his face.

"I knew you would do that," he muttered as he caught my foot halfway.

Damn. I'd be waiting for the day when my any attack would actually hurt him.

He then straightened up and started to make his way to a door that I just now realized was there.

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