(Sirius Black - Marauders Era)

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(Sirius Black – Marauders Era)

9. I will stop referring to showering as “giving Moaning Myrtle an eyeful”.

Sirius crouched down slowly, eyeing his prey soundly. Leaning forward, he focused more steadily on the moving lump of pillows before letting out a huge war cry and  leaping from his bed to land on the pillowed creature.

“Ah, ugh,Sirius! Get the – ow! – hell off me!”

Sirius snickered, ignoring the voice completely and continued lying across its stomach. Struggling to remove the mound of pillows atop of him, Remus managed to push himself into a sitting position, and he glared down at the shaggy haired boy that was now lying face down across his legs.

“Just for once I wanted to sleep in, but you-” Remus jabbed his finger into Sirius’ ribs, smirking as the boy let out a satisfying squeak, “just had to wake me up. It’s a Sunday, for goodness sake!”

“But, Remmy!” Sirius groaned, looking up at the boy in what he thought was a very good impression of puppy dog eyes. Remus just thought he looked slightly constipated. “You did sleep in! It’s ten thirty all ready and we have to go down for brunch! We’re going to miss brunch!”

Remus, despite himself, laughed. The mismatched, shaggy-haired, lazy, food obsessed Gryffindor always did manage to make him laugh with his immature behaviour. Sirius noticed that he had finally broke through Remus’ boundaries and jumped up and down on the bed, ignoring Remus’ yelp of pain as he landed rather ungracefully on his leg.

“Now, get up, get up, get up!” Sighing, Remus removed the blanket from him and stood up, stretching soundly. He tossed a sly grin at Sirius, as he walked towards his trunk.

“You’re going to have to wait a little longer, I’m afraid, Sirius,” he told the boy. “I’m going to have a shower before brunch.”

Instead of the moaning and begging he was expecting, Remus noticed that the black-haired boy hid a large grin, before nodding soberly at him.

“Ah, I see. You’re off to give Moaning Myrtle an eyeful.”

Remus choked slightly, before glaring at the boy and sighing. Sirius knew just how frightened Remus was that one of the ghosts would spy on his while showering. Bloody bastard.

“Maybe I’ll wait until after brunch, then.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2011 ⏰

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