(Ron Weasley - Golden Trio Era)

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(Ron Weasley – Golden Trio Era)

138. I will not tell the first years that Professor Snape is the Voice of God.

Professor Snape marched into the potions room, his frustration already growing beyond bearable, and it was only his second class of the day!

Severus Snape wasn’t usually one for listening to school yard gossip, but it seemed that something concerning him was going around the school. He had already spotted most of the first years staring wide eyed at him, while the most of the other students had giggled hysterically at him as he passed.

Turning on his heel, Snape faced his next class, only to find a number first years gaping at him openly, while blocking the door way. He snarled.

“Well? Are you just going to stand there or are you going to sit down?”

Startled, the first years scurried to their seats, eagerly staring up at him. He sighed.

“My name is Professor Snape, and I will be your potions master throughout your seven years here at Hogwarts. Rule breakers and timewasters will not be tolerated in this class, and will simply land you a detention. Throughout your time her-”

Snape cut off as one of the first years slowly raised her hand. He closed his eyes tightly. I will not curse the first years, I will not curse the first years, I will not curse the first years. “What?”

“Well, sir, I was wondering. Are you really the voice of God?”

Snape eyes flew open as he stared at the first year, his mouth wide. If he was expecting anything, it was certainly not that. 

“What?” he repeated suddenly, and looked around to find the first years class mates staring at him in wonder, wanting an answer to the unexpected question.

“I- what?” he repeated, completely flabbergasted. “No. What? Who told you I was the voice of God?”

“Well, sir, we weren’t supposed to say,” another student trailed off, looking guiltily up at his Professor. Snape growled lowly.

“Who said I was the voice of God?’

The first years squirmed uncomfortable, before one blurted out, “Ron Weasley.”

Oh, that boy was nothing less than dead, Snape thought as the first years eyed his shyly, with awe mixed into the features. Dead.

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