(Marcus Flint - Golden Trio Era)

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(Marcus Flint – Golden Trio Era)

139. I will not dress up in a Dementor suit and use a Dustbuster on Harry’s lips to get him to do what I want.

Harry sat, wide eyed and frozen, as the dark shape moved towards him slowly, a strange, eerie sucking noise coming from the open hole in its mouth piece.

Dementor, his mind shouted, but he was completely sure that it wasn’t. For one, he could see the head of a broom stick poking from under the huge sheet that covered whoever sat on it. Next, the fact that he could hear the sucking noise was a clear indication that this was not a real Dementor, as every other time he had encountered the frightful beasts, his hearing had been none existent.

Still, as he watched the flying sheet float closer towards him, he hid a smile and decided to play along with whatever trick the unintelligent Slytherins were playing.

Marcus Flint was barely able to stifle his giggles as he watched the famous Harry Potter’s eyes widen in fear at the sight of his fake Dementor. It had been too easy really.

All he had done was grabbed a black sheet and a broom stick, while using a muggle invention called a ‘Dustbuster’ to use as the Dementor’s mouth. And he had Harry at his mercy.

Floating closer, Flint let out a throaty cough and said – in what he supposed was a Dementor’s voice – “Harry Potter. You are to hand over your wand if you wish to withhold a kiss from me.” He was sure it was going to work. Any wizard would gladly hand over his wand if he had the choice between that and a Dementor’s kiss. So he was nearly shocked off his broom when he saw what happened next.

Harry was skilled at keeping his emotions in check, years of trying to hide things from enemies and friends alike had done that to him. But this was too much.

The added combination of catching sight of the Dustbuster that was the sound of the sucking noise, and the fact that a voice that was unmistakably Marcus Flint was threatening to kiss him, finally snapped him.

Hunching over, Harry broke out in hysterical laughter, tears spilled down his face as he stamped his foot against the floor. Flint was shocked.

He was sure that this was not how people were supposed to react when a Dementor threatened to kiss them. Growing frustrated, Flint turned the Dustbuster up to full power and pointed it closer to Harry.

“Give me your wand!” he growled, but Harry merely laughed harder. It was unbelievable. The Slytherins honestly thought he was that thick.

Worse than the Twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें