(Albus Potter - Next Generation)

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(Albus Potter – Next Generation)

142. “To conquer the earth with an army of flying monkeys” is not an appropriate career choice.

“Students, I ask you to fill out these sheets to the best of your ability, as I need to know what you wish to accomplish in life before you sit your OWLs. You will have twenty minutes to complete it. If you finish early, quietly put it on my desk then leave the room. You may all start now.”

The whole of the fifth year students shuffled to collect their sheets before taking a seat at individual desks. Albus Potter sighed as he did the same. What an outrage, a scandal, that they had a test on such a sunny day. Albus was quite ready to have a swim in the Black Lake and mess around with his best mate, Scorpius Malfoy.

After five minutes of sitting the test, which contained several easy questions about whether they were continuing their schooling after Hogwarts, Albus was finally fed up with the pointless activity. Determined to make a stand against the horrible assignment the school had provided, Albus glanced down at the next question on the sheet and grinned, certain that he could cause a stir by answering the rest of his test questions in the wackiest ways imaginable.

As he was finishing the last of his questions, students started to stream to the front of the class eagerly, dropping their papers on the front desk before hurrying outside to enjoy the weather. Albus rushed through the last few answers, before walking to the front.

He dropped his papers on the desk with a grin and a wink, before making his way to the oak doors that led outside. McGonagall narrowed her eyes. There was something about the way Albus Potter had held himself that told her something was going on. He reminded her far too much of the boys grandfather, James Potter, and this did not brood well with her.

Opening his test, the witch scanned through the questions fleetingly, before her eyes stopped on one answer. She glared.

“Albus Potter!” Albus closed his eyes. He had been hoping to at least make it outside before any of the Professors noticed his inadequate answers. Spinning around, Albus looked up at the frowning Professor with mock curiosity.

“Yes, Professor?”

“’To conquer the earth with an army of flying Monkeys’ is not an appropriate career choice!”

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