(Sirius Black - Marauders Era)

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(Sirius Black – Marauders Era)

30. Remus Lupin does not want a flea collar.

A/N: the Christmas carols aren’t mine. Neither is HP, by the way.

Frosty the pervert in a trench coat he did go to a the school yard to expose his -”

“Sirius! Do not finish that song!”

Sirius grinned hugely at his best friends, as he continued to jump up and down atop of Peter’s sleeping form.

Dashing through the bush in a rusty Holden ute! Kicking up the dust Esky in the boot!” Sirius stopped suddenly, and his friends let out a relieved sigh, thinking that he had finally stopped his antic, over-joyous behaviour (a farfetched idea, they knew, but it was far too early in the morning to be rationally).

Dashing their hopes, Sirius suddenly sprang forward onto James’ bed, landing on his back as James let out a strangled “Oof!”

“Jamsie boy? Jamsie! What’s an Esky?” Groans were heard from around the room, before Remus’ head was suddenly seen from beneath his bed sheets.

“Sirius, it is way too early to have to deal with you. Go back to bed!”

“But Remmy! It’s Christmas! We have presents! You have presents! I have presents! Hell, even Peter has presents! Now, Wake. Up!”

Remus let out a hurried yelp and scrambled out of bed and onto the floor just as Sirius pounced onto his sheets. Sirius grinned toothily down at Remus. “I got you something!”

Remus moaned softly, slamming his hands over his eyes, knowing he was going to be attacked, bitten, slapped or possibly killed by whatever Sirius had gotten the werewolf. His eyes twinkling, Sirius handed Remus a small box wrapped in purple tissue paper, before backing away slowly. James glanced up from his spot on the bed, wondering what on earth Sirius could have given Remus that would require him backing away, and knowing that he was going to get a laugh out of it and possibly have to pull Remus away from Sirius to stop him strangling the boy.

Remus cautiously opened the box, glancing inside carefully. As he caught sight of the object inside of the box, his face turned red and he turned to glare at Sirius, who cackled gleefully before sprinting out the door, followed closely by a growling Remus.

James hurried out of bed and looked inside the box, letting out a chuckle as he saw the flea collar inside.

One day, that boy is going to get himself killed, he thought to himself as he hurried out of the dorm to restrain Remus from Sirius.

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