(Peter Pettigrew - Marauders Era)

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(Peter Pettigrew – Marauders Era)

42. “42″ is not the answer to every question to the O.W.L.’s.


Peter started chewing on the end of his pencil nervously as everyone around him bent their heads over their sheets of paper and began working. His hands started shaking.

He knew staying up last night was a bad idea, but really, what was he suppose to do? It had been Remus’ last transformation for the month, and he and the boys had, despite Remus begging them to stay behind and study for their O.W.L.’s, change into their Animagus form and roamed the streets with him. The next morning, this morning, they were buggered.

But at least the other two, Sirius and James, had studied. Peter had been putting off studying for the whole of three months now, his plan being to cramp as much as he could into his head the night before the O.W.L.’s. Only, of course, that couldn’t happen.

In a flurry, and noticing those around him had been writing for a while now, Peter started to flit through the questions.

When did Wilba Wenslyton supposably finish her eighth exhibition of the Beethidon region?

a)       1899

b)       1976

c)       1798

d)       1842

e)       1289

f)        1865

Who the heck is Wilba Wenslyton? He thought to himself, before glancing at the answers, a satisfying smile crossing his face. Of course! One of the answers, answer d to be specific had reminded him of his lucky number. Number 42! If he answered every question with 42, he was sure to luck out and ace his tests!

Grinning, Peter finished his tests easily, eager for the next one. Oh, his mother would be so proud when she saw the series of ‘Outstandings’ on his results.

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