Epilogue: March 3, 2088

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#25 March 3, 2088
Dear Possibly Broken,

When I found out that you had died, I expected the world to come crashing down around me. I expected the overwhelming feeling of everything being over to consume me, but it didn't. I felt okay. I was okay. For 50 years. I have cancer now, and I find myself thinking of you. You didn't know that you were going to die. It was a surprise for you, your sons, and Caroline, and for that I am so sorry. If you were here I would tell you that I took care of Caroline and your daughter for you. Emma has grown up to be so beautiful. She looks so much like you that it's ridiculous. I will be visiting your gravestone today, alone, for the first time. Caroline has brought me there many times and we cried, and Ryan and I have cried, and Emma and I have cried, but today I will be crying alone. I'm leaving this letter at your headstone because I'm sure that you're there, watching over your daughter and loved ones. You are the type that will never stop watching. I only have a few days left to live, and I will be buried so far from you that it's purposeful. Ryan and I will be buried adjacent to each other. You are on the other end of the cemetery, and that is okay. I have done everything I could for you and your family and friends, even though sometimes it hurt. I hope that you will respect me for that, Sam. I hope that someone will remember me for that. All I ever wanted was to be remembered, as we made memories in Noodles in Company, as we shared glances at play practice, as we did our project, all I could have ever hoped for is for you to remember me, and I hope that in this moment, as I fall at the foot of your grave, you will. When I was young, I remember writing that in the books I read, people like you always die. And it seems that in books that I write, people like you always die too.

The Woman with the Imagination

Author's Note:
So this is actually done. It's also the first thing I've finished in like five years so I'm pretty proud. I probably won't be continuing anything else on here for a while. Hope you felt at least something while reading this, I know I felt a lot while writing it. If you have any questions, comments, or criticisms, leave them in the comments! For those of you who have stuck with me all the time, thank you so much: you're the best :)


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