November 18, 2016

17 1 0

#7 November 18, 2015

Dear Intelligent Bystander,

We worked on our project for the first time today. Let me tell you all about it, mostly so that I won't forget. We went to Barnes and Noble and the air smelled like books filled with too many words and cups filled with too little coffee. That's exactly how I want my life to be someday. Science. Books. Coffee. You know. The usual. It's Sunday, so they are not open late today, but that was okay. We got the quiet seat in the corner and dug out our laptops. It was awkward at first. We only talked about the project. At noon you asked if I wanted to get coffee. Of course I wanted coffee. I needed so much coffee. The guy who made our coffee flirted with me. He was cute, in a scruffy college guy kind of way. Even after you offered to pay for my drink and I refused, he still flirted with me. You just stood there, expressionless. Just a bystander to one of the rarest occasions in the world, and you didn't even know it. I don't know what I expected you to do, so I guess what you did was just fine. I tried not to trip over my tongue or become an actual tomato. It got less awkward after that, actually. You made jokes about the cleavage furrow in telophase and I laughed far too much. In fact, once we had gotten a good start on the project, we stayed there talking for a long time. Too long. You wanted to look at the poetry, and I will never forget that. They didn't have anything by Christopher Poindexter and that made me sad. You bought Dante's Inferno. I remembered that it was for a book report in AP Literature. You are taking so much AP; I could never do it. After that, I had to go: family to see, more homework to be done. You said goodbye, but this time I knew that you would be saying hello sometime soon. It will be so different exchanging smiles and glances in the hallway instead of my blushes and your ignorance. It will be so different actually knowing you just the slightest bit more than I used to. Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to figure you out someday. After all, we still have two and a half weeks until that project is due. I am setting a goal today. I want to learn something new about you every day. What kind of foods do you like? What is your family like? Do you like cats or dogs? Trust me, I'm going to find out.


The Girl who Innocently Stalks You

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